Joe Cannon Health podcast episode 16. In this episode, we delve into the microbiome – the billions and billions of bacteria, yeast, and viruses that inhabit our body. It turns out our skin and even our brain also have an ecology of microscopic animals that live with us our whole life. What does the microbiome […]
[Continue reading...]Podcast: How To Live To 100 Years Young
How to live to 100 years? It’s a question many ask. How hard is it to do? Turns out, living to 100 may not be as difficult as something. Your longevity is not completely determined by your genes as was once thought. There are many things you can do to increase not only your lifespan […]
[Continue reading...]Podcast: Vaping Questions and Answers
Is vaping safe? Are there any side effects? Are e-cigarettes safer than smoking and do vapes prevent people from starting smoking? In the wake of the vaping epidemic that has been gripping America, I was curious about what the research said. In this episode (episode 14) you will learn what I discovered when I investigated […]
[Continue reading...]Podcast Rhabdomyolysis: Genetic Traits That Elevate Risk
Rhabdomyolysis (rhabdo) is a potentially serious complication from overexertion. While people are starting to discover how serious this health condition can be, few are aware that certain genetic traits can raise the risk of getting rhabdo. In this podcast of Joe Cannon Health (episode 13) I’ll summarize 5 genetic traits that can elevate someone’s risk […]
[Continue reading...]Podcast: 9 Exercise Benefits Most People Don’t Know
Most people know exercise can lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and stroke. But did you also know physical activity improves your genes? It can. In this episode of the Joe Cannon Health Podcats (episode 12) I’ll dive into the evidence for 9 different -and little known benefits of exercise. How many of these […]
[Continue reading...]Podcast Health Headlines
This is episode 11 of the Joe Cannon Health podcast. In this episode, we’ll look at 4 different news articles that you may – or may not – have seen in the news. Each of these reports could be an epiosde by themselves but I wanted to give them all to you here so you […]
[Continue reading...]Podcast: 7 Signs Of a Bad Diet
Studies show most Americans are on a diet. But which diets are safe? In this episode of the Joe Cannon Health podcast, I discuss 7 signs of an unhealthy diet. Are all diets the same? Are some worse than others? What if your diet makes you smell like ammonia? Is that healthy? What are their […]
[Continue reading...]Podcast Creatine Questions And Answers
Creatine is the most popular sports performance dietary supplement on Earth. It is also the supplement that researchers study the most in the lab. Even though its racked up a LOT of clinical studies, people still have questions about creatine such as does it work, does it dehydrate you and does it hurt your kidneys? […]
[Continue reading...]Podcast: Does Tru Niagen Work? Is It Anti-Aging?
Tru Niagen is the most popular anti-aging supplement in America. A supplement is a form of niacin called nicotinamide riboside which is touted to raise your NAD levels. I’ve written reviews on this supplement previously and can say there IS RESEARCH on this supplement. In this podcast episode of Joe Cannon Health, I break down […]
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