Updated 7/31/23. Help! I'm gaining weight and looking for a supplement to help me lose weight. This was a question I received via my SupplementClarity.com website. I know this person's question echoes in many people, so I wanted to let you know how I replied to her in the hopes that others struggling with this same issue may be better prepared. Let me know if you would add anything to this also.
This is how I replied to the person:
Did your weight loss start fairly recently? Have you asked your doctor about it? I want to make sure you've talked to your doctor about your gaining weight. While most weight gain is due to eating too much food, in rare cases, sudden weight gain with no cause can be due to other things – even cancer! Let's assume you are healthy and proceed from there.
How Many Calories Do You Need
This link goes to a Calculator.net where you can enter your age, gender, and activity level. The calculator will then estimate how many calories you need to maintain your weight and lose weight.
What Burns The Most Calories?
There are three things that cause us to burn calories in a 24-hour period :
1. Resting metabolic rate – the energy needed to keep us alive.
2. The energy we use to digest food (Thermic Effect of Food).
3. Exercise and other daily activities.
Of those three factors, most of the calories (sometimes over 60%) burned in a day come from resting metabolic rate (RMR). So, we use most of our calories when we are not doing anything.
Only about 5% -10% comes from digesting food (thermic effect of food)
Exercise only contributes about 25% to 30% of daily energy use.
Remember, exercise burns many calories but not as much as what BMR uses – the calories you burn when you are not working out. That means that exercise alone probably will not help weight loss much – if that is all you do.
Exercise guidelines for weight loss call for doing 90 minutes per day, most days of the week. That's more than most people would want to do. Fortunately any exercise is better than no exercise. Dont start with that much. Do less such as 20 minutes. This will reduce injuries and muscle sorness too.
If you combine exercise with eating a few calories, that is when the magic happens. Exercise also helps you keep your muscle too, which is very important.
Weight Loss Supplements
It's possible you've found me through my other site SupplementClarity.com where I write research-based reviews of supplements. Having looked at thousands of products over the years, I can say that most weight loss supplements I have seen fall into these categories. They are either:
1. Stimulants
2. Fiber
3. Laxatives (also called “cleanses”)
Some weight-loss products are also considered to be thyroid boosters and contain things like brown seaweed because it has iodine. One example of this is Sea moss. The idea is that iodine helps us increase the production of thyroid hormone. So, if we eat more iodine (so they say…) we make more thyroid hormone, which in turn, increases metabolism. I also consider these types of supplements a form of stimulant.
Most cases of hypothyroidism in the US are not due to a lack of iodine. As such, I doubt that seaweed/iodine can replace thyroid medications. Most cases of hypothyroidism are caused by an auto-immune condition where the body's immune system attacks the thyroid gland.
Good Thyroid Books:
For those with thyroid issues, two good books worth reading are:
Weight Loss Supplements With Proof
Of these three categories of weight loss supplements, I feel those that contain fiber are the safest. This is also a reason why most nutrition experts recommend eating more fiber-rich foods like fruits and veggies.
I'm not a fan of “fat burners” or those that contain lots of stimulants. I don't like them because:
1. nobody has proven to me that caffeine alone helps people lose weight
2. stimulants can cause problems in some people – especially those who are overweight
Weight Loss Supplements With Evidence
The following are weight loss supplements that I feel have some evidence that they might work. These are found in a variety of products you may have heard of and are stand-alone products as well. Because the individual ingredients usually cost less than products that contain them, I've linked to those ingredients so you can compare prices.
As a rule, when you try a weight loss supplement, it's wise to start with less than is recommended for the first week. Doing this will help minimize any side effects that might occur. Also, if you have any health issues, always show them to your doctor/pharmacist first, just to make sure they are ok for you to take.
Many supplements contain a fiber called glucomannan which has been shown in some research studies to help people lose weight. Other names for glucomannan include “PGX” and Konjac root. The fiber glucomannan swells in size when mixed with water. This makes people feel full so they eat less. Many weight loss supplements (esp those that compare their product to weight loss surgery) contain the glucomannan fiber.
Glucomannan Weight Loss Research
This is a special type of fiber that coats fat molecules, reducing their absorption. If we can't absorb the fat, we don't absorb the fat calories either. In this way, FBCX is said to help people lose weight. There is some research on FBCX which I covered in my review of FBCX which I linked to above. A supplement called Calorease has clinical evidence but any supplement containing FBCX should work the same.
Another fiber that weight loss supplements contain is Psyllium. Psyllium husk powder adds bulk to smoothies and in a similar way, makes people feel full longer. the longer they feel full, the less they are likely to eat.
This is a type of soluble fiber that is in some cereals and other foods you may already be eating. It's also called a “prebiotic” because probiotic bacteria eat it for food.
In one small study (involving 44 people) that lasted 4 months, people who slowly increased their intake to 30 grams of inulin per day (about an ounce) lost more weight than those who got a placebo (17 pounds vs. 11 pounds). The people slowly increased the amount of inulin to decrease bloating and gas that might accompany increased fiber intake.
Here are many inulin supplements to learn more about it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has been rumored to help weight loss for decades. And now there is evidence it really works. Research has shown can help people lose anywhere from 2- maybe 10 pounds after several months of use. It might also reduce appetite, lower bad triglycerides and even raise good HDL cholesterol. Apple cider vinegar is inexpensive and it doesn't take much for it to work.
Read the apple cider vinegar review for how much to use.
Apple Cider Vinegar Research
Saffron is a spice and some research suggests it can curb appetite in humans. The amount shown to help people reduce snacking is 176.5 to 353 mg per day. The type of saffron used has been a trademarked version called “Satiereal.” That said would regular saffron (the spice) work just as well? Maybe. More research is needed. If trying the supplement, start with the least amount first to see if it helps before increasing the dosage.
Here is Saffron on Amazon to compare products.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
This is a compound that helps us make energy. It's also an antioxidant. There are a few studies on alpha-lipoic acid and weight loss. What human research exists has used 1800 mg per day. This product has 600 mg per pill which is more than most other products I was able to find.
MeraTrim is a combination of two ingredients that 2 studies have noted helped people lose weight. After 8 weeks, people using MeraTrim, along with moderate exercise and eating fewer calories, lost more weight (8 pounds) than those getting a placebo. People started losing weight after only two weeks.
Here is the review of MeraTrim.
Psyllium is the soluble fiber in Metamucil and other products. When I reviewed MetaMucil, I found some studies that it can help people lose weight. I think psyllium works similarly as glucomannan fiber, by helping us feel full.
I personally like psyllium powder mixed in smoothies better than psyllium pills.
Spinach For Hunger Control?
Adding a little protein to the diet can also help make people feel full longer. A few reasons for this include:
- Protein slows digestion
- Protein doesn't have many calories
- It takes more energy to break down protein. In theory, this might bump up metabolism a little bit
- Protein also reduces body protein (including muscle tissue) from being broken down during dieting
What About Protein Powders
Here are two that I have used:
- Isopure Protein
- Beverly International UMP (best tasting!)
I like these brands of protein because they only contain about 100 calories per scoop and they provide 20-25 grams of protein per scoop, which some research notes can increase muscle protein synthesis in humans.
What Else Works?
Supplements alone are not the answer for weight loss but may help some people get to where they want to be. Because of this, here are some other things that can help people lose weight.
Best Weight Loss Supplements
Of all the supplements mentioned above, I feel the strongest evidence is for the fiber supplements:
The advantage of fiber is that it has few side effects, has no calories and it costs a LOT less than other supplements. In fact, some, over-priced supplements contain these as their main ingredient. There are also more weight loss studies on fiber supplements than most other products too.
Pro-tip. Always start with less than recommended for the first week. Give your body time to adjust. One possible side effect of adding fiber to the diet too quickly is diarrhea.
The National Weight Control Registry
The National Weight Control Registry has been tracking over 10,000 people who have been able to lose weight and keep it off for the long term. They list the things these successful weight loss losers did on their website.
Free Weight Loss Programs
Many hospitals have “wellness programs” that can help. A lot of these programs are low cost and some are even free! Many have registered dietitians who can analyze your eating and see how many calories you are eating now and help you eat less and better.
They also have fitness components to help you exercise the right way that's safe for you. YMCAs may have exercise and weight loss programs as well. The good thing about the YMCA is that, if you can't afford to pay for a membership, you may be eligible for a “scholarship.” This means that your membership can be reduced significantly – or even free! Call and ask YMCAs about the possibility of this. Local churches might also have weight loss classes and support groups also.
Weight Loss Ideas
Here are some general ideas that various research studies have shown do work for some people:
1. Eat food from smaller bowls and plates. drink from taller glasses
2. Weigh yourself every day
3. Drink a glass of water before eating
4. Chew your food 20 or more times before swallowing it
5. When working out periodically, change what you do first – cardio or strength training
6. Put salad dressings on the side and not directly on the salad
7. Eat something before food shopping – prevents buying stuff you should stay away from
8. Look at the website of the restaurant before going to it. Decide what you want to eat before you get there.
9. Tell the waitress not to add any butter or salt to your food at a restaurant
10. Include a little protein in each meal to stabilize blood sugar and curb appetite
11. Track not only calories but also exercise. Here is a gizmo that tracks steps taken and flights of steps taken too.
12. Intermittent fasting. Some evidence suggests fasting 1 or 2 times per week can help weight loss. This is because it reduces the number of calories you eat per week.
See the Resources Page on this site and on my supplement review website for more information.
….”conservation”…. make that conversation (darn spell-checker….) and lazy proof read.
Failed to mention it’s been over three years now with <5 lb. weight change on Fast Diet. (Began shortly after book arrived on these shores from England.)
Previous twenty years (following a 50# loss) had been +/- (mostly +) gain/loss of 15-20# with portion control. And it's such a relief to enjoy eating again (with common sense) five days a week. Even enjoy fast days knowing how well they work. Never suffer hunger with all those fresh vegetables either. 🙂
Hey Art, Ive tried the fast diet myself. I think at most I lost was 10 lbs. I fasted every other day (I didn’t eat breakfast). What I liked most about it was that it was kind of liberating not having to think “I have to eat breakfast” a few times a week. And it was also kind of treat on those days I was able to. Oddly I really did not feel hungry on fasting days either. Currently I only do it sometimes but maybe I will start back like before.
I know I’m replying in an ancient conversations, but I just joined last week.
After a life-long (74 year) weight struggle Mostly w/o ‘supplement help.(but the US Army had me on Dexamyl 🙁 ), I’ve had best, lasting results with “Fast Diet”. Assume that’s your Amazon Link as that’s where the book came from.
Usually Tuesday / Friday and total intake is a carefully measured 300 calories; consisting of fresh vegetables. This is half the book’s allowance, but works best for me.
I’m also a believer in daily, morning weigh and always see a loss on Wednesday / Saturday’s, even after consumption of over a pound of vegies the day before.
I discovered your site while researching SeroVital-hgh and appreciate your work.
Nothing to do with weight control, but rather an attempt to reduce the frequent skin tearing and bruising from normal yard work.
I bought two boxes of the SeroVital-/// of 40 days each and will post on your report after seeing results or after a few months if no-gain in aging skin tone.
Hi Art, welcome and I will look forward to hearing the results of your SeroVital experiment
For those who have not heard of it Here’s the SeroVital review
Hi, I too am drawn into feeling deeply for LaWanda and became tearful reading her story. Sara talks about her experiences with Phentermine and they so mirror mine. Joe, you are so kind and thoughtful in your replies.
I think that sometimes people with “Normal” attitudes and appetites with food think that it is so simple, just eat less and exercise more…. You know, that works for me too… when I am on prescription Phentermine. I feel “”Normal” on Phentermine: I am not hungry all of the time, I am not thinking about food constantly, I make good food choices.
This tells me that there is something off with my brain chemistry, why else do I thrive when on Phentermine except that it is solving some imbalance in my system?
I came here today looking for help with an over the counter product that could possibly help me the way Phentermine does. I am crying writing this, I am so wanting to have “Normal” feelings about food. This has been my struggle since I was about 15, so 35 years. I have tried your suggestions above, except that I have not taken a fiber supplement. I will try that.
I wish that I could find a supplement that turns that switch in my brain like the prescription does. Thank you for listening and your kindness to those of us living this struggle.
Hi Janet, one supplement that some have said might help is called Relacore. Click the link to see my review of it. The link goes to my other site, called, Supplement Clarity. ” I’m not sure if it works or not but some have said it helped. Still others have told me a supplement called “SAM-e” has helped their depression too.
Please dont cry. We all have internal struggles that most others dont know we go through. In that, we are all the same. The beauty of the web is that we can reach out to others for help. Try to focus not on your weight or struggles with food. Instead focus on trying to be more healthy. This doesn’t mean becoming a vegetarian or running a marathon. It could mean something as simple as having some broccoli or a small salad with whatever else you are eating each day.
Fortunately, small changes like that can make big changes in our health. Who knows, one day those small changes might lead us to doing other things down the road. Small steps in a positive direction can lead us one day to where we want to get to one day.
I hope LaWanda is doing well and reading how much she has impacted the lives of others through sharing her story.
If you have any other questions, just ask. I’m here to help if I can.
Have you hear anything about Phentaslim? If not, I would love to know your review of the product.
Hi Ashley, while I’ve never heard of PhentaSlim, the name “phenta” reminds me of phentermine, which is a weight loss drug. While they are not the same thing, I took a quick look at its website for you. I think its active ingredient might be caffeine.
Thank you, Joe. You really have a lot of sensible information on your sites. I’m not sure if you allow name brand mentions, but “Now” was the Glucomannan that worked well for me. I made sure to do the full glass of water (which some think contributes to the fullness on it’s own) and one pill 45 minutes before a meal. It seemed to cut down on over-eating.
Thanks Hank, I appreciate that. I’ve heard of the “Now” brand of dietary supplements. They have been around a long time. I’m really glad their brand helped you.
I have lost 25 pounds over the last three months by counting calories/using a food diary with increased physical activity. A nurse friend also tipped me off to Glucomannan, but I wonder if you have to watch the brand. The first bottle I used really gave me a feeling of fullness, but I was not able to buy that exact brand when it was time for replacement and the new brand does not seem to be nearly as effective. Not sure what the differences would be?
Hi Hank, while I usually think all glucomannan supplements are basically the same, there may be differences in the amount used and, because of current laws, companies really are on the honor system as far as what they put in their products. In other words, there is nobody making them put glucomannan in their glucomannan supplements. That’s why I recommend using supplements from companies that you have heard of or those that have been around a long time.
BTW, congrats on losing 25 pounds! That is fantastic 🙂
Do you have any research on leptigen?
Hi B, yes I do. Here is my leptigen review.
Hi Joe, I too have read all the way to the bottom of the comments page to read an update on LaWanda. If she reads this, I hope she is doing well and never giving up the fight. As any addict who battles their addiction there will be some days harder than others. Just keep marching in the right general direction and you will get there.
I hope she has discovered the joys of her pool and the freedom it can give her.
All my best
Hi Jen, yes I hope LaWanda is well too. I have not heard from her recently. hopefully she is reading this and lets us all know how she is doing.
Joe, have you heard from Lawanda lately? After reading this thread I was curious how she was doing.
Hi Nicole, unfortunately I have not heard from Lawanda in a while. I hope if she reads this she knows we are thinking about her and she lets us know how she is doing.
So I read your review on forskolin and the two studies. I just wanted to give my feedback on my experience, as it has been a good one, but I did a few things differently than the studies. I am training for a body building competition, my first one, and as the date gets closer, now 3 weeks away, the little bit if fat around mid section and back inner thighs seems to be super stubborn, even more now that I have turned 40.
As I’m sure you know, these competitions require a low body fat percentage. So, in searching through the Internet, I found an article from muscle and fitness about combining l-carnitine and forskolin. So I researched each supplement on what their role in the human body is and figured they were relatively safe.
So twice a day 30 min before a meal I take one forskolin and a 1/2 tbsp of l-carnitine. From what I read, the forskolin triggers lipolosis while l-carnitine signals the body to use that available (vs stored and less available) fat as energy.
In a few short weeks I have lost 5.8lbs and have more energy than I imagined on a restricted diet. But, I must add that I am doing 45-60 minutes of cardio (combination MISS & HIIT) and I lift approx 1 hour per day. So I am committing to plenty of exercise with a restricted diet but I had hit a plateau where I wasn’t losing fat anymore and rather than severely restrict my diet to unhealthy levels, I figured I would try this.
For me, it has worked….as an addition to regular exercise and a clean diet….but it definitely does seem to have given me an edge. Hope this helps.
HI Andi, thanks for sharing. Im glad that combination worked for you. Good luck with your first bodybuilding competition too!
Hi Joe,
I enjoyed your research immensely. I’ve been looking into the whole green coffee bean extract craze and trying to disseminate the research/information. I’ve been ultimately trying to simulate the ingredients within Le-vel’s Thrive product.
In regards to tracking your eating habits and activity levels, I have used the Fitbit, that you mentioned, that tracks your steps, stairs, and sleep as well as the app “Lose It!.” I need to get back to doing both because it kept me in check. The great thing about the app is that the food in their library is massive. You can even add your own recipes, scan food to add to the library, add food that isn’t in their library (I found there wasn’t much it didn’t have-even organic foods), edit a food, and most restaurants.
I’m interested in knowing what combination of products you’ve researched shows promising results? You may have covered it in your previous comments, however, I’ve only read some of them. I like to do my research, as it appears you do to.
Hi Shelia, I listed the products that I feel have evidence in this post. For what it’s worth, I feel the most evidence -and safest products – are those that are fibers. At this time, I dont feel green coffee bean works. The research doesn’t support it.
Here is my review of green coffee and weight loss This link goes to my other site, SupplementClarity.com
I have also written some review of Thrive supplements. Here they are
Thrive Patch Review
Thrive Shake Review
Thrive W Review
Thank you Joe! I finished reading your research and decided to not take the skinny fiber and go on a low calorie diet with good choices of food. You are excellent in your research results and I commend you for that expertise.
Harrybutt, you are very welcome and I thank you for your kind words.
Ok Tom – I have a question – Is Skinning Fiber a good product or not? I think the answers will be no but i was a little confused in following this conversation.
Harrybutt, While I’ve never heard of Skinning Fiber, I have a review on Skinny Fiber. Is that what you were referring to? If yes here is my review on it: https://supplementclarity.com/skinny-fiber-weight-loss-review/
BTW, I’m Joe, not Tom 🙂
Hello Joe. I have diabetes an have problems focusing. I have been trying to loose weight an nothing seems to help. I have tried several pill like garcinia, green tea an nothing seems to work. Then I started researching an found your site. I will try fasting to see how much it does help. I already started cutting back on food an the type of foods. Need more help if you can.
Hi Rhonda, try to focus on reducing simple carbs – products that usually come in a can or a box or a package. Because you are a diabetic I want you to be careful about fasting. I don’t want your blood sugar to drop too quickly. That could cause you issues. don’t starve yourself. Ask yourself “am I hungry” and if you are, go ahead and eat. If the answer is “not really, I’m bored” or something like that, maybe you can try to take a walk or something else to take your mind temporarily off eating?
As for the supplements, I honestly dont have much faith in most of them. Im generally not a fan of green tea and while Im on the fence about garcinia cambogia at the moment, its not what Id recommend right off the bat. I feel the fiber products are safest.
Have you ever consulted a dietitian about this? If not you can find one in your area by going to this website: http://www.EatRight.org and putting in your zip code at the “find an RD” box at the upper right of the site.
Do you know what your “A1C” level is?
Keep me updated on how you are doing.
Joe, LOVE your site, can’t believe I just found it! You are just awesome how you respond to everyone, even researching things! You have a big heart and I wish you the BEST! ~Jamie
Jamie, you are so kind to say that! I really appreciate you feedback. You just made my day 🙂
Hey, just wanted input a few things that worked for me: take weekly photos because a picture says a thousand words and will show you how you look (because our own view is always skewed), set specific goals and use a visual tracker (ie move a marble from one jar to the next for each pound lost – it helps to see how far you’ve gone), put a dollar in a jar for each time you work out and then use it to treat yourself to new gear when it’s full.
I use the Lose It! App because it links with Map My…. Apps and you can just scan the barcode of your food and it inputs all the nutritional info for you.
Amy, thanks for sharing. Those are some really great ideas 🙂
Ooops … I also take low dose Metoprolol (beta blocker) for occasional A-Fib, thus my hesitation about Green Coffee Bean extract (stimulant). FYI I work w/personal strength & conditioning coach twice weekly and am 69 y/o. Thank you!! Barbara
Hi Joe: I came to your blog while searching for independent info about RealDose1. I like your reference to the Lowat product. I’m unsure about the green coffee bean ingredient in RD1. I’m looking for contraindications with prescription drugs. I take low dose Wellbutrin, Zoloft, Synthroid, Celebrex (on/off it from month to month.) I understand that you’re neither a pharmacist or MD, but would like your take on using Lowat or RealDose1 while taking these scripts. Thank for your insight! Barbara
Barbara, those are some good questions and Im not sure of the answer. I did try to look up contraindications for Lowat (Dolichos Biflorus) but I didn’t see much. One thing Id suggest is show your pharmacist the study I referenced in my Real Dose Review here is the link :
They may know information I’m don’t. They know a lot more about the medications your taking than I do. Aside from advising you separate Lowat from your other medications by a couple of hours and starting with less than is recommended (to reduce any side effects that might pop up) I’m not sure how it would interact with your meds.
I really do think your pharmacist is the best person to ask. Ask her/him today and let me know what they say. I’m curious.
That’s great that you work with a strength coach!! Exercise is the best thing we can do to stay healthy 🙂
Thanks for your reply. I will check w/my pharmacist & post his feedback.
Dear Joe and Barbara, one good site I’ve found to check whether herbs or supplements may interact is on WebMD. For example, go to “Find a Vitamin or Supplement”, write it in, and the site will tell you an Overview, Uses (and whether the use is known or under investigation, and it will also tell about any Interactions with other drugs or supplements. Just check “Tumeric” for an example. It’s a very helpful site.
Roseann, I agree, it’s a good site 🙂
Sincere thanks to you!
oK here’s my deal. I’m about to be 50. I work at a desk in a VERY stressful position. But when I leave work I’m also stressed at home. leaving me wiped out Also, I’m pretty sure I’m approaching menopause. The signs are there along with the weight gain.
I already don’t drink soda. I don’t eat sweets, but I don’t eat right either. I have zero energy!! I also have degenerative disc. Some of the discs are depleted already. So, I’m limited on some exercise. My biggest issue is the lack of energy.
I think if I could get a little weight off ( I’m 5’3″ about 170) it would give me incentive. I don’t have high bp. any other health issues. Unless I keep going like this. I need somewhere to look to see what exercises to do to strengthen back and core muscles also. HELP!!
Laura, Im about to turn 50 at the end of the month so I can empathize. I looked online and found this youtube video of a few easy back exercises that might help you get started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HQRJZ2q7PQ
are you able to take a walk at lunch time? Even a walk around the building or up and down steps at work (I like walking better) might also help you beat some of the stress you are feeling at work. is there anyone else who might want to try to do this with you? having a fitness buddy can help too.
does this help you?
Good read, good info Joe!
About a month ago, I cut out all grains from daily menu. Have lost 8 lbs, plus my food does not feel like its in my throat or chest after eating. It’s not a diet, just learning a different way to eat. Cut out breads, cereals, grits, most pastas, beer (ugh!), corn, anything with grains and certain preservatives.
I feel better and have lost a few pounds along the way.
Thanks Bruce and I agree its never good to feel it on your chest or throat 🙂
Expanding a bit on several great recommendations already posted here …
Several people have described the benefits they saw from changing their diets to be gluten, dairy and sugar free. Recognizing that everyone is different, and what works for me may not be useful to anyone else, I’d nevertheless like to offer up that I have had great success with managing my weight *and eliminating joint pain, reducing allergies, and strengthening my immune system* by eliminating ALL starches and sugars from my diet. Not just the grains with gluten, but rice, corn, potatoes, and dry beans as well – anything with starch. (Gluten is a protein, and that is indeed what some people benefit fom eliminating; but what my body doesn’t do well with is STARCH.) I do eat yogurt I’ve made myself, but I ferment the yogurt for 24 hours so that all the lactose (a sugar) is gone.
I’ve made a few adjustments that work for me, but this is basically the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, as formulated by Dr. Elaine Gottschall and documented in her book, “Breaking the Vicious Cycle.” It’s pointed at folks with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), but I think it has value for a far wider audience.
The diet emphasizes lean meats, non-starchy vegetables, fruits, nuts and *appropriately fermented and/or aged* dairy products (most people don’t realize just how much sugar is in non-fermented milk). What’s extra about her theory, beyond the good sense recommendations others have already posted here, is understanding how complex carbohydrates (starches and sugars) effect our guts and immune systems. It’s a worthwhile read.
With no additional supplements or exercise, when I committed to the Specific Carbohydrate diet, I lost 40 pounds over 6 months. The weight just melted off, and my pain levels, allergies and immune system all improved dramatically. But you have to COMMIT. And I’ll need to eat this way for the rest of my life … for me, joint pain flares up quickly when I stray, and serves as good reinforcement for getting back on the path.
Again, I recognize that we all have unique body chemistries, and what worked for me may not work for others. But for folks who are trying hard to structure their eating in a healthy way, but who still have either gut issues or can’t seem to lose weight – the Specific Carbohydrate diet may be that extra bit of guidance that makes a difference.
Anna, congrats on your weight loss and thanks for the heads up on the book. Here is Breaking the Vicious Cycle on Amazon for those who are interested.
I would like to ask your opinion on the Artificial Sweetners that are ofter used in whey protein shakes and powders. I am having a difficult time finding one without the use of Splenda, aspertame, ACESULFAME POTASSIUM, etc. I do not want to put these type of chemicals in my body. The 2 protein powders you mentioned, have artificial sweetners too…
Hi MaryAnn, different people reach differently to artificial sweeteners. In general I think less better so I look to where they are listed on the food label. if they are listed toward the end, that usually means they have the least. When I looked at Isopure protein powder for example, Sucralose (Splenda), the sweetener used was listed as the last ingredient.
While Ive never tried this website, I was told that at truenutrition.com you can have them custom mix the type of protein powder you like. they can make it without any artificial sweeteners I’m told.
Thanks, Joe. Enjoyed the reviews
Thanks Will.
I came off another site to your site! Thanks so much for your insight. My question is, at the top of this page it talks about glucomannan, psyllium husk, garcina cambogia, Alpha lipoic acid, and a protein. Aren’t the first 2 fibers?
I’m a little confused. I need energy, a little weigh loss, and to get appetite under control, I was looking in to bystrictin, and Serovital, when I came across your site.
I really don’t like to add a lot of crazy chemicals in my body, but my body is
defining me ! 😉
Lisa, yes glucomannan and psyllium are both fibers. People sometimes report having more energy when they lose weight so in that way adding fiber to your diet – fruits and veggies have lots of fiber too – can might help you have more energy. Not sure if you saw my SupplemenClarity.com site but I do have a review of bystrictin, here is the link :
Here’s my SeroVital Review too :
So what do you recommend for weight loss cause in was fixing to do this Plexus thing please help
Hi Tammy, I really try not to recommend products because by themselves I dont think anything will work the way its advertised. People will have to do their parts too. I do suggest you take a look at the 13 things I listed in this post and see which ones you might be willing to do.
i used to work out 7 days a week, aerobics, yoga, wt lifting, pilates broke my ankle in 2005 have 14 pin 2 plates need to have metal removed no health insurance. anyway can’t do any weight bearing and wt is going up and up any suggestions for cardio. have fat in areas never had before belly thighs very depressed. tried taking in less calories but at 62 metabolism seems to be in free fall. have tried chair aerobics w/o any wt loss
Sandy, have you tried a recumbent bike? bikes are not weight bearing and should not bother your ankle.
Do you know anything about Human Growth Hormone?
Shelia, most of the claims about human growth hormone helping weight loss stem from a 1990s study from older men (who had low HGH levels) where they were given injections of HGH for several weeks. They did notice that the men had a reduced body fat. However, injections of growth hormone may be very different than supplements that “claim” to raise HGH levels. This is also the study behind much of the anti-aging claims made about HGH.
I personally think growth hormone supplements don’t help weight loss or fat loss.
Shelia, I’m curious, where did you hear about human growth hormone and weight loss?
Hi Joe, I’ve tried every weight loss supplement recommended by Dr. Oz. none of them seem to really work. Green coffee bean, raspberry keytones, garcinia cambogia, chromium GTF, etc. Its just crazy! Does he expect people to take all of these supplements together? I’m beginning to think he really has no clue. Thanks for any input.
Hi Mitzi, I know dr oz means well and his people also know people are interested in quick fixes. for some, supplements are those quick fixes.
The evidence upon which some of his supplement recommendations are based is a bit shaky For example, heres the real proof for raspberry ketones: https://supplementclarity.com/raspberry-ketones-weight-loss-review-side-effects/
Dr Oz has also said on his tv show that he knows people are looking for a “crutch” and I think that also gives good insights into why he recommends certain products. He means well but I think the message that “you gotta eat less calories and exercise” doesn’t get across to people sometimes. I think its tough to do a TV show 5 days a week and provide unique health info. That might also be a reason why supplements are mentioned.
Joe, You are a very kind person, and what you said about Dr. Oz proves it. I have never watched his show and don’t intend to. I just know from asking sales people that people who watch his show run out and buy whatever he recommends, like he is an all-knowing guru of immediate fixes. I wonder what he gets paid for endorsing all these products. You see, I am more cynical, whereas, you are kind.
People like him should be very careful about what they recommend, because he has great power over people who don’t research things for themselves. That’s why people like YOU are so important-unbiased, research-oriented, educationally trained people, who have no profit incentive. I don’t trust Dr. Oz, but I DO trust you. I’ve been taken in by wonderful claims of great results with no effort, but the only thing that has truly worked for me has been changing my diet and eating good, organic foods, with no gluten, soy, dairy products, sugars, and eggs.
That is part of a diet lifestyle change for people with autoimmune diseases that helped me so much, and it might not work for everyone. The hard, slow way works better than quick fixes, although I DO wish quick fixes worked!!! They would be so much easier!
Roseann, that’s nice of you to say, really! I think Dr Oz realizes the power he has and I think he has started to try to educated people a bit more about whether he “recommends” products on the net. He once said to people, in an attempt to curtail his name/face being on various supplement websites, “If you see my face next to it, they are lying to you.” I think he’s trying but a little bit cynical at times can possibly save people money too 🙂
Thanks, Joe, but even with me being cynical, I’ve still bought products that sounded too good to be true, and WERE!! Procera AVH was one, and after doing all they said to return the stuff, I never got a refund! Yet, every experience with that sort of thing has made me smarter.
To everyone out there, BEWARE of auto-refills. Don’t buy Procera unless you are convinced you want to lose money. Read Joe’s research first before buying anything!
Thanks Roseann, For those who didn’t see it, here is my review of Procera AVH :
Just a bit of info to those who are on a gluten-free diet, but who want to use protein powders (like I do). Look for those protein powders which use rice or plant-based protein. I don’t know if I should mention certain products, and I don’t have stock or profits from any health products, but Garden of Life’s Raw Fit uses certified organic, plant-based, vegan, high-protein powder. Please don’t ask me what plants! But I’ve been using it all year, and it seems to work well. It isn’t cheap (shoot!).
This is all great information. Thanks so much. Question: your Amazon link to the Glucomannan brings up a “pure powder”. Would you recommend the powder over the capsules? Capsules are more convenient, but do you think they are compromised or may not work as well as the powder?
Hi Nicole, I understand how the pills of glucomannan might be a bit more convenient for most people. Both the pills and the powder are the same. I like the powder a bit more because I have heard of people who get the pills stuck in their throat because they didn’t swallow them fast enough, and they started to swell. That’s a little scarey for me. I dont think this will happen to everybody and for all I know, it may be a million to one shot, but I prefer to play it safe and go with the powder. Hope that clears up why I like the power better 🙂
Thank you for the tips! Especially the protein powders…I always looked at grams protein per scoop & never looked at calories! DOH! Cutting back on portions size, calories is making a big difference along with exercise…I enjoy being able to substitute a protein smoothie for food a hour n bit before working out. I was unsuccessful @ weight loss with just exercise…so all the tips I can get on how to keep up with proper nutrition & exercise is great! 🙂 I am learning a lot! I have now added some fitness apps to my iPhone 🙂 works great!
I like to think of this Not as dieting..but as a 100% lifestyle change to better health & fitness 🙂 I do Not “diet” I eat proper foods now, healthy foods…foods my body uses and burns. I find I feel a lot better too!
So thank you for all the helpful insights & tips! 🙂
Gail, you are VERY welcome and I am really glad I was able to help you 🙂
Hi Joe,
I can’t tighten my abs! I’m 35, workout 3-5 days a week – twice a week I take an intense 45 min spin class and lift weights most days. I’m toned, but my abs… Are there any supplements that target the abdominal area only without having to take an exuberant amount of fiber? I’m a good eater, I don’t eat a lot of “white” foods, no processed foods, lean meats (rarely eat red meat). HELP!
Hi Megan, I’m sure your ab muscles are tight if you work out like you do. That said, I am not aware of any supplement that targets weight loss from only one part of the body. Everything I have read says this cant happen either. If spot reduction was possible, we’d see less body fat on athletes like tennis players who use one arm more than another. Best I could say is keep the faith and keep working out. I wish I had a good answer for you.
I agree with my trainer and others on this one: you can have a 6-pack but won’t be able to see if it fat is covering it. The rest of your ab workout happens in the kitchen. 🙂 Good luck!
La Wanda as someone who is morbidly obese and struggled with excruciating pain her whole life. Back, ankles, knees everything. Ive also tried water aerobics and I must say I absolutely loved it and I hate that I can no longer do it as the closest pool to where I live is over 120kms away and I work shift work to boot. Small town of 150 people. No one else needs those kind of amenities. I must say its the ONLY exercise ive ever tried that put no pressure or strain on my joints whatsoever and never left me in pain an hour later either. It was wonderful if you’ve got the option to swim right there where you live id do it in a heartbeat.
I promise you wont be sorry and if anyone bothers you about it tell them to go bite themselves because you are making an effort to be healthier and happier and your doing it for you. Not to be skinny or pretty but simply tp be healthy and paun free. A right that everyone has. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Remember that. And please try the pool. You’ll feel so much better after. Is it only open at certain times? You said its in your building? If your concerned try finding a time early in the morning or late at night when few people are likely to be around.
My big problem with weight-loss is exercise. Im at a point where I cant get gastric bypass surgery because my bmi is too high and due to medical conditions I was born with I cant excercise. Cant even stand for 10 minutes without being in agonizing pain and no pain killers dont work for me. Gad em sibce I was a baby and am now resistant to every one ive ever tried and trust me there are lots. I lost 60lbs once on the HCG diet but eating 500 calories a day was just dangerous. So what is a girl like me supposed to do?
Ashton, while I am a fan of exercise for weight loss, remember that exercise alone doesnt really cause a lot of weight loss. the important thing is to eat a few less calories per day. you dont need to eat only 500 calories per day but rather just a few less. Why dont you try this
1. use MyFitnessPal.com to track your calories.
2. since walking isnt possible now, get a pair of light weight dumbbells and do some upper body exercises to do a few minutes per day. you can also use resistance bands such as these I found on Amazon. that will at least give you some activity. If you wanted to invest a bit, there is also a gizmo called the Upper Body Ergometer that lets you work the upper body while you sit in a chair. you could also just use your arms without any resistance for exercise (I know it sounds like that isnt much – but it really is!)
Ashton, you do have alternatives. hope is not lost. I believe in you! I know you can do this because you have already lose 60 lbs before! Try MyFitnessPal.com which is free and give it time. I believe in you!!
Roseann, again. I also buy all organic, if I can get it, lean meat (grass-fed, etc), wild- caught fish and barely no packaged, processed foods. This can get expensive. I drink ALOT of water, use coconut milk, have either brown rice or pea protein powder for smoothies to which I add an apple, a handful of baby carrots, a handful of micro-greens, berries, the protein powder, pomegranate seeds, and chia seeds- it tastes great and fills me up for hours!
Going to favorite restaurants is hard because I can’t eat the sauces and salad dressings (I use olive oil and lemon) from my former favorite foods, but the restaurants do what you ask- I.e., no butter (I use Ghee at home once in a while). Thank God, I can use salt, but only Sea Salt. I can’t LIVE without salt! It was hard to get started, but once I started, the things I can’t eat don’t appeal to me that much anymore. My best advice is to just START doing it.
It will be VERY hard, but after a while, you’ll start seeing results in weight loss and how you look and feel. It’s not that I can’t EVER have pizza or a piece of cake, but so far, I don’t even want to. If the urge overpowers me, I’ll eat a couple cookies and then get back to my nutritional lifestyle. It will HAVE to be a lifestyle, not something you can do until you feel good and lose the weight- but a life change, which will be worth it because you will feel SO GOOD!!
And don’t pay attention to how other people look at you if you are really obese when you start out- it’s THEIR problem. YOU will soon look much better.
Amen! 🙂
I have an autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, plus osteoarthritis and degeneration in my cervical and lumbar-sacral spine, along with chronic pain. I am 61 years old, and I was 5’4 (still am) and 171 lbs, the most I ever weighed.
I spent the majority of my days in bed with ice packs, my TENS unit, taking pain pills, and feeling total pain and fatigue. I can’t exercise because of the various areas of pain and degeneration, plus a knee replacement and bone on bone in the other knee. My life was changed when I saw a chiropractor who had knowledge of autoimmune disease (his wife has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)- he had an autoimmune nutritional therapy program with supplements.
Now I am off of all gluten and most other grains (for now), off soy, off dairy products and eggs (for now). I could start adding back food items slowly since day 21, but I have added very little (raw almonds, chia seeds, tomatoes and peppers, pistachios). I’m on about day 80-something. I have energy, less headaches, have lost 20 lbs, and am a new person.
The only thing that wasn’t helped is all my pain, but I’m better able to handle it because of how otherwise well I feel. This will be a lifestyle change for the rest of my life. I am so grateful that I happened upon it, and I feel so much better that it is no problem to stay on it!
Roseann, congrats on all that you have accomplished! 🙂
Thank you, Joe. It’s on the same page as what you say- diet and exercise. I had to do something that would affect ALL of me. I can’t exercise though because of my disabilities. Even my left shoulder and wrist and hand have issues I have to see the Orthopedic surgeon about. But I’m more “up and around” because I have more energy.
Roseann, thats all thats important is doing what we can. People think exercise is about running marathons but its not. Anything we can do is better than nothing.
I would also be interested in if you have ever done a review on any of the Advocare products? I swear by the Catalyst and Spark energy drink. Love them!! Catalyst really boosts my workout productivity and the Spark gives me a healthy energy boost when I need it!
Shelly, Avocare is on my list. I have not reviewed them yet but I will.
Ok great. Is there a way to notify me when you do???
Shelly I cant guarantee when I do or if I do I may not tell anybody. was there something in the book you wanted my thoughts on?
I am new here. Just happen to come across your page. Don’t know if you are familiar with the book Shred by Dr. Ian K. Smith. ?? I bought it from suggestion of my trainer and I love it! Easy, simple, everyday meals and an actual meal/snack plan for every, single day-for six weeks. I have been doing the Shred meals for just a few days now and feel better and have lost two pounds. I do work out 4-5 days a week. Just thought I would mention the book in case others want to check it out. I left you a question on your review for Garcinia Extract. Hoping to hear back soon!
Hi Shelly, I wasnt aware of the Shred book until you mentioned it. Ill check it out. Maybe they have the book on Audible.com as I like to listen to books in the car and gym 🙂
I’m glad you are enjoying the book!
Hello! I read the article and applaud you, all that research is An Easy task!
I realize that some people truly are unaware of the things in which they eat in relation to how they experience weight gain from it. For an example, a friend who thinks her salads are healthy, but fails to see that with all if her dressing, cheese and bacon added to it.. She might as well just eat a burger. my problem is different.
I’m Completely aware of what is healthy to eat and what causes me to gain weight. I am not a person that can eat one Hershey kiss and be satisfied. I struggle with food addiction as though it were a drug. Potion control and compulsive eating is, and will always be a problem for me. I have no triggers. Just the inability to ever feel satisfied from food and always want more.
Just as an alcoholic recovered or not will always be an alcoholic. I have had prescribed to me from my doctor, phentermine a few times, and it has worked great! The problem is I can only take it for six months at a time after which I do well for a few and then the eating habits go back to my old ways. I also do tend to build up a tolerance to these stimulants and they become in effective.
So, my question to you, can you suggest a supplement that offers a STRONG appetite suppressant, and not one that just makes me feel full? Feeling full doesn’t matter for me, if I am not satisfied 🙁 also, a fat burner to help assist in regular workouts?
Thank you for your time!
Hi Sara
as a rule Im not a fan of fat burners because Im not totally convinced they work. Appetite suppressant supplements are also tricky because the idea is that if they make you feel full that they should suppress your appetite. Have you looked at the things I listed here and given them a shot to see if they do anything for you?
Hi Joe,
I like your various reviews, it’s helped me decide on not wasting my money…
I am, however, getting very frustrated at this point in time, from trying to lose weight. About 18 months ago, I was diagnosed with diabetes (type II), and made a major change to exercise and diet, and lost 60 lbs in 6 months. I went from 250 to 190. Over the next 8 months I slipped somewhat with diet and exercise, going up to 210. I started doing the Insanity workout, which is 40-45 minutes/ day.
When I worked out of town and staying at a hotel, I also added 30 minutes of swimming each day, for the two weeks I was there. I gained 15 pounds in 14 days! I don’t understand what is happening, because I am still doing this very strenuous workout, and in the last week, also added a 10km walk each day. My diet is high in veggies and fruit, with protein, and low in refined carbs, as I am very sensitive to them.
Can you give me any ideas why I would be gaining weight like this?
Natalie, are you weighing yourself on your scale or the scale at the hotel? Thats really odd to basically gain 1 lb per day for 2 weeks but its interesting it seems to have happened when you were traveling. Try writing down everything you eat and seeing if you are eating differently. maybe the food is prepared differently when you are eating out – more butter, salt?
You put bowels instead of bowls.
Excellent eye! Thanks for the assist! Ive fixed my typo 🙂
Hi Joe,
I was wondering if you would take a look at my website and tell me what you think about our product both the wellness drink and the weight management program. Thanks!
Hi Joni, I wasn’t rally sure which products where the wellness drink and the weight management program. There wasn’t a “wellness drink” listed on your website. It was hard to see what the ingredients were in each of the products.
Our wellness drink is the zeal for life. It is an all-in-one nutritional drink. If you look at the top of the page on my website there is the topic of “products” if you click on it and go to the headings under Zeal facts you will find the product label and then under nutritional detail you will see an explanation for our proprietary blends. You can also find information on our weight management program under products as well.
joni, when I go to your site, under products, there is no product called “zeal for life” so Id say thats something your website person should change. There isnt a “zeal facts” page either.
I do see a page called “nutrition details” that lists several products Ive reviewed -in other things- at SupplementClarity.com
Actually, Joe those headings are there if you hover over the “products ” heading when it opens all of the headings I listed are there and more. I would be happy to send you a screen shot of where this is located but it won’t allow that in this field.
Yes on the website it is shortened to just Zeal. We didn’t feel the need to say Zeal for Life each and every time we mentioned our product. I don’t think this is something that needs to be changed as most people can discern that.
Please understand Zeal is not marketed as a weight loss product even though that is often a “side effect” of taking it. It just stands to reason if we are putting healthier things into our bodies and have more energy then you tend to get up and do more thereby losing weight.
However, we do have the weight management program which can be used to lose weight. That is why I wanted you to take a look at both products and tell me what you think. I’m not saying we have reinvented the wheel. Just the opposite in fact. Our product takes those things that have already been discovered to be essential for health and wellness and puts them into an easy to use product that doesn’t require taking 50 pills a day.
From reading your other posts and learning more about you I respect your opinion and wanted to see what you had to say about the products we offer.
Joni thanks, yes I did hover over the menus but regardless its no biggie. If you like I can add your product to my things to review in the future – I don’t know when though – Several of the ingredients I have reviewed as they were part of other products so if you enter those into the search box of SupplementClarity.com you’ll see what I said, the research etc on them.
Right now though I don’t have an opinion, other than what I’ve mentioned about the ingredients that were in other products.
After losing more than 60 pounds in 16 months, I am constantly asked ‘how did you do it’. My answer: food. From my own experience, eating raw or cooked fresh vegetables, fruits (whatever you like), lean meats and fluids, as well as, ample rest, worked for me. I only eat when I am truly hungry. I found that most times I thought I was hungry, I was thirsty; not hungry at all. In the first few months, it was difficult.
My eating habits were SO bad, and believe it or not, now, a lot of the ‘junk’ I ate before doesn’t appeal to me. I do get cravings for chocolate and other things from time to time, and I do indulge, but even those urges are diminishing. I just wanted to share. And by the way, after a full hysterectomy and two back surgeries, no, I don’t exercise enough, but yet, the weight still came off. Just wanted to share. God Bless!
Brenda, thanks for sharing! As far as exercise is concerned, do what you can. this is a marathon, not a sprint. If you are doing anything, its better than nothing. Take solace in that Brenda and congratulations on all you have accomplished! 🙂
Thank you all for the words of encouragement and for your concern. I’m one of those people who is REALLY depressed during the holidays so right now I’m trying to get those holidays behind me. I have cried every single day since right before Thanksgiving and some days there are more tears than other days.
After the 1st of the year, I’m going to see a new doctor and try to start over with new eyes looking at all my blood work and testings and I’ve hopefully found somebody who’ll address my aches and pains without their hand on the doorknob trying to get out the door.
I’ve had some intestinal problems for about 3 months and went to the doctor but the out of pocket expense to me for the testing is just more money than I have. Hopefully the new doctor can make some other suggestions rather than all the tests. But you’d think with all this “running” I’ve done these last few months, I’d be skinny. Its like I’ve been taking alli when I know better than to do that.
Hope all of you have a safe and happy new year and we all get to chat again soon. Be blessed.
I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays. Wow, I’m not sure what set you off Robyn but I could almost feel your blood pressure going up. I read the posts quite often and I know that Joe does not believe in the “one size fits all” theory when it comes to people’s health issues regardless of what they might be. I am one of the people that needs to weigh myself daily.
When you do that you learn your own body’s cycles. This may not work for everyone but it definitely works for me. In my mind, I can think I have only gained 1 or 2 pounds but when I get on the scale, I find it’s more like 7 or 8. I had gastric bypass 5 years ago and was doing very well. I was able to exercise and getting on the scale daily helped keep me honest with myself. I was in a pretty bad car accident in April and am having a hard time getting back into an exercise routine. At first it was too physically painful and now I am slowly working my way back to some kind of routine.
We all have challenges. Some more difficult to overcome than others but what we all need is hope.
LaWanda, I also have never heard that yoyo dieting will mess up your thyroid. If that were true, there would be a much higher percentage of people with thyroid problems. Don’t feel bad about having to take an anti depressant. I know a lot of strong, fabulous people who take anti depressants. All it means is there is a chemical imbalance. It is just like any other maintenance medication, if it is determined by a doctor who has done the appropriate testing and you trust that doctor, then you need to take your meds. You should know that some anti depressants can make it difficult to lose weight, not impossible. Work with your doctor to see if the one you are on works best for you along with your other medications.
LaWanda, please never give up on yourself. I am rooting for you!
I wish you all the very best as we end 2011 and embark on a brand new opportunity to get it right or at the very least enjoy trying!!
Linda, very well said Happy 2012 to everybody!!
Weigh yourself daily? Are you joking?!?!?! People who do that find out that your weight fluctuates and what if the female is on her cycle? There is no guarantee of losing weight during that time. Also, weighing daily puts people on edge, so how is it possible to even lose weight under those conditions?
Oh and lets not forget that there are people with thyroid problems that the tests at the dr.’s office do not show. Only homeopathic specialists can test properly for that. Yes, regardless of your tunnel thinking, there are people who will put on weight even if they do not eat or eat properly. Every person should be on their own merit. Don’t go telling the world that what works for someone 10lbs overweight will work for someone 200 lbs overweight. You are so WRONG to generalize the entire world on this one.
Robyn, I think in your anger of what I wrote, you missed the whole point. All I did was list some tips that are indeed based on research – and THERE IS evidence that weighing yourself everyday can be better for some people than weighing yourself every week. I direct your attention to this for more info http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=55489
That said no single way works for everybody and for those who get stressed out over weighing themselves every day I don’t recommend it. It depends on the person. For some however it works and that’s why I mentioned it. Of course body weight fluctuates during the day – and the time of the month – but some research finds that frequent weighing gives more feedback about whether weight loss attempts are working overtime. To take the opposite argument, for some people weighting themselves only once a week is stressful – because they don’t know if their weight loss efforts are working or not.
Overall there is merit to both our our points of view. Neither of is totally right -or wrong. it depends on the person.
As for only “homeopathic specialists” being able to test for hypothyroidism, I totally disagree. Any doctor can measure a TSH level and have an idea of whether somebody is hypothyroid or not. When you say “homeopathic specialist” are you referring to a doctor who is well versed in homeopathic medicine or a “specialist” who is only trained in homeopathy? They can be quite different. For example, a homeopathic healer may /may not have access to medical tests. While I do believe there is something to some forms of alternative medicine, I would never accept the diagnosis of hypothyroidism based on the word of a “specialist” without confirming it with a TSH test done by a doctor.
Linda and Susan and Joe, thanks for all the input and concern. Obesity is such a depressing disease and with all the stresses we all seem to have today, its the wonder that any of us survive. Its difficult to live your life and take care of everybody around you while trying the eat right, exercise and think about yourself for a change. Joe, women don’t do this readily…..or ever!!!! I’m no exception.
I hate taking the medication for the depression but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. And then there’s the medication for the inactive thyroid. I was told I killed the thyroid by yo-yo dieting. Then, of course, there’s the medication for the high blood pressure and arthritis, which the weight is not helping. My poor heart. I know how its being overworked.
I do try to focus on the carbs and they are far more important to me than the calories. I had no idea about calories until the early 2000’s when I went on the Metbolic program and they took almost every carb out of my diet. Then with my wls, it was only 30 carbs a day and I can eat that in salad dressing at one meal. But I learned right quick that carbs are my enemy. I learned about carbs and sugar spikes and diabetics just last year when my diabetic mother was in ICU. At 64, I’m still learning.
So, thanks again for all the virtual support and concern for me and my plight. I appreciate you being there.
LaWanda, if its any consolation I dont think Yo Yo dieting stopped your thyroid from working. I’ve never seen this mentioned anywhere. As I understand it, most cases of hypothyroidism are due to an auto immune disorder. You didn’t have any control over that.
I am directing this to LaWanda as well. Her story is much like mine, except I am diabetic and have not had gastric surgery. What really struck me were 2 things. One, her healing (or lack of) reminded me of my problem with healing. It is harder to heal when you are diabetic, and takes longer. I cut my finger last year and had to have stitches. I was given triple antibiotic ointment, which we see everywhere as the cure-all for injuries. My finger would not heal. They waited extra time, but it did not heal. They kinda gave up (this is at the ER room, mind you) and took the stitches out.
The wound would just gape open. Not bleed, but would not heal! Sound familiar? Anyway, my sister told me she had that problem and was allergic to the antibiotic ointment. She told me to try Bactine spray or Bacitracin ointment. I started healing right away. When I went back to the ER, the nurse said, “So many doctors just give you the triple antibiotic and think it’s the answer to everything!
You would be surprised how many people are sensitive or allergic to it!” I am almost 60 and did not know this! I have suffered from other infections that were very serious and treated with the triple stuff!!!
Second thing I noticed is, you and Joe don’t think much of watching the carbs in the diet. Apparently it is the new best thing for diabetics, and they are finding that they ARE more important than calories! Believe it or not, I think they’re right. If you watch your blood sugar readings, they are always higher if you eat one of the high carbs “white” foods they warn about: sugar, (of course), white flour, and white rice.
f you eat complex carbs only, and lots of veggies and fruit, you stay feeling fuller and your blood sugar doesn’t spike as much. If it spikes, you will feel like there is not enough food in the world to fill you up! LOL. Anyway, the low and complex carbs (and fiber) also take longer to digest, helping to feel full longer and keep those readings level too.Hope this helps with some “food” for thought! G
ood Luck and please send a few prayers my way! Just because I know what to do doesn’t mean I am doing it right!!! Exercise is the NUMBER ONE thing, and I am trying to make myself do it regularly. Sorry so long…
Hi Susan, you can write as much as you like. I read everything 🙂 you are right about the carbs being important also. Sorry if I gave the impression its all about the calories. Calories are important but knowledge of low and high glycemic index carbs can also help stabilize your blood sugar. As you said fiber -which is in a lot of low glycemic index foods – helps and so too does protein. Sorry about not mentioning it.
I will keep you in my prayers Susan. I know what you say about knowing what to do. They often say knowledge is power but its really “potential power” until we act on it. Its hard. believe me I do know. The fact that you are thinking about this means a LOT more than you know. When you can do try to do some exercise – it doesn’t have to be a lot. anything you do is better than nothing. If you have questions about whats right for you, ask. This is what I do.
Hi LaWanda!
I know it can be so discouraging when you are trying to do all the right things and the scale does not appear to be going in the right direction. Just like Joe said (and we talked about this before), the pool will be so much easier on your knees and the water gives you an extra resistance that you don’t get from just walking on a treadmill. You aren’t trying to be a fashion model in the pool (not yet anyway), so just remember, you are doing this for you!! Just as Joe said, if you drink water before you eat, you will feel full and eat less but also the extra water will actually help you shed any excess water weight that you may be carrying. Don’t stay away so long!! I believe in you now it is time for YOU to believe in you!!
I know, I know, been a while. Well, I’m so busy being a hermit and playing computer games, I didn’t even come by here. I really didn’t want to tell you guys that I continue to try all those supplements out there and they ARE doing exactly what they’re suppose to do….take money from my wallet and put it in their bank.
I’ve not been feeling well lately but I have been trying to eat better. My morning snack is a banana (I need the potassium) and my afternoon snack is a Fuji apple. And I’ve been drinking lots of Fuji water, having a protein shake for breakfast and will sometimes throw in some frozen strawberries or frozen blueberries. For lunch I have a sandwich on that fairly new Thomas’ flatbread but no chips and no cookies. Dinner always includes a protein, a salad with fat free dressing and a small serving of rice or baked potato. I try to stick to sweet potatoes and brown rice but when you go out to eat, you don’t always have those choices. And if I don’t have the salad fixins’ I’ll fix some frozen veggies. At night, if I just HAVE to have something, I’ll have ONE chocolate chunk cookie or ONE small lollipop. I think its an oral fixation and not so much hunger. I’m normal….I don’t have to be hungry to eat!!!
Now, drum roll please……I’ve gained weight. I just have such bad knees that I can’t exercise. I’m living proof that if you don’t get up and move it, you won’t lose it. I do some hand weights and do some upper body exercises with those but that’s about my limit. I have found a new gel to put on my knees (Dr. Oz talked about it one day) and it does seem to be helping but knee replacement is the ultimate cure.
Anyway, I’ve rambled long enough. Just wanted to let you know I’m still hanging in there but sometimes it seems like I’m holding on to a thread.
Thanks to Linda and Joe for virtually holding my hand with all your concern. And, amazingly….I have a sister named Yolanda. 🙂
LaWanda, glad you are still hanging in there. Don’t worry about the weight loss supplements. Remember those companies hire very smart people to come up with all sorts of subtle tricks to separate us from our money. Just move on and forget about them.
I am glad you are using the hand weights. Is it possible you can find a health club that has a “UBE” – upper body ergometer? that lets you get an aerobic workout with your upper body. Have you given anymore thought to pool exercise? I know that can be hard sometimes but trust me you would not be the only person in the pool who thinks like you do. Also try this trick. Before you eat, drink a glass of water. Research has shown that this helps you eat less. I am glad you recognized that you dont have to be hungry to eat. That’s a big step. Think about that when you eat and that may help.
I also suggest you read more about health and wellness. When you surround yourself with positive things like that, it helps to remind and coax you to being healthy. I may have mentioned a book I like called Mindless Eating. Its a fascinating book about the crazy little experiments scientists have to see why we eat.
If you have any questions LaWanda, remember I am always here to help – You too Yolanda 😉
I love this article and really hits the key things, changing your eating habits and also your exerciser routines. Not to mention that all these fancy machines that going back to basics is still effective…Great job!
Thanks Yolanda 🙂
Thxs for replying back Joe. Starting weight loss today. Will reply back for results. Thxs again.
lucy cool yes keep me posted 🙂
Hi LaWanda!!
You are going to get through this with much success. How do I know? Because you love yourself and you know what is needed to have a long, healthy and happy life as much as is in your control. Even when things get out of control, we can bring ourselves back. I understand the struggle. I was in a pretty bad car accident in April and have not bee able to work out. I have put on a few pounds and quite frankly it scares me because I know I am just a pizza away from going back to my old eating habits. I do however know how much work I put into getting myself into a healthier place so those times I feel like saying, “Oh forget it and give me some cake”, I remember how difficult it was to walk, talk and breathe at the same time. NEVER GIVE UP!!!
I am going to be here checking up on you and ready to talk any time you need to talk with someone who understands first hand!!
Linda….its difficult not to give up on yourself.
I would love to do water aerobics. I just have to get up the nerve.
And I LOVE Hungry Girl. I watch her TV show and have a couple of her books. Haven’t seen her food in the store but I’ll be on the lookout.
Yes, I’m constantly looking for something that will work for me. And I know that God didn’t bring me this far to abandon me.
I’ll hang in there. And knowing that people who don’t even know me (that would be you, of course), are concerned about me really make me feel good. So, thank you…..and thank you Joe, for all you do for all of us.
LaWanda, I really think you would enjoy pool exercise. I may have told you before but in the past I used to work at a hosptial fitness center and oversaw many exercise programs – including pool exercise classes. The people who worked out in the pool were a close knit group. they loved the class and each other. It was wonderful seeing them all interact with each other. Please dont feel funny about the pool. I bet you would enjoy it a lot – and they would love having you there!
I not only care LaWanda, I believe in you! I have faith in you.
Hi Joe,
I have not seen the TV dinners yet. I will probably look it up online to see what they are about. I try to stay away from frozen dinners because most of them are so high in sodium. Also, most of them don’t have nearly enough vegetables. I will buy a weight watchers frozen meal every now and then if I have not packed my lunch but there are so many better quick alternatives even if it is just some salad greens with sliced fruit and some cottage cheese on the side or some tuna. Grocery stores are so much better equipped for healthy quick meals now. Most of them have pretty decent salad bars; I also get a lot of mileage out of the rotisserie chickens.
Linda, I’m pretty sure Ive seen the Hungry Girl TV dinners at Pathmark or Acme. I agree they are all way too high in sodium. I often get the Healthy Choice Steamers and toss out the sauce at the bottom of the pan. That way I can miss most of the sodium and I also add extra veggies to it. . If I have that and a fruit smoothie Im doing better than just the TV dinner 🙂
Hi Joe,
I love your site!
I didn’t know if it was ok to address a note to LaWanda. If so, there a few things I’d like to say. First of all, girl don’t give up on yourself!! You have gone through so much and you are still going strong. Be proud that you are still looking for the right solution “for you”!
I had gastric bypass 5 years ago this coming November. I had done a lot of research and knew the band would not work for me because of my sugar addiction. Unfortunately nothing is foolproof. I still have struggles especially with sweets.
I have to stick with less than 10 grams of sugar or I get sick but I still have days where I can’t get enough. If you have not had a chance to do so yet, go to Obesityhelp.com. I still get e-mails from the site every day to remind me that I can not eat like “normal” people who don’t have food issues.
There are also some good online support groups there. There is also Karen B’s Timer Plan that is good for helping most of us get back on track. I agree with Joe that water exercise would be really good for you.
You might be surprised that most people would not judge you in a negative way. I believe that most would think “good for her for working out”.
Also, I don’t know if you have heard of Hungrygirl.com. She posts recipes that give you a pretty sizable amount of food for a fairly low number of calories. She also includes low calorie alternatives for sweet treats. I do have to say, I am very selective on which recipes I try. Not all of them are high in nutritional value. I wish you all the best!
Linda thanks for all that great help! I think I saw hungry girl TV dinners in the supermarket? Have you seen this? What do you think of them?
Thanks Shane I appreciate the feedback. I like your website also by the way. Thats a great TV interview you did also. Glad you posted it on your website!
Hi Joe, I think your answer was on point. I get a lot of similar questions about weight loss supplements and I think one of the main reasons why is people get to a plateau and are looking for a fix. Not always necessarily a quick fix, but they don’t know what else to do.
A lot of times with my clients I see a down-regulation with their metabolism caused by prolonged calorie restriction. Adding more exercise to the mix only further increases a catabolic response and activates the fat storing switches.
You’re right on, there must be patience and commitment to a diet of natural foods and regular physical activity. Cutting back on calories by removing starches, sugars, etc works well but at some point there needs to be a re-feed period to rev back up metabolism.
I’m increasingly hesitant of even using caffeine as a thermogenic as a lot of people have induced some adrenal stress due to excessive dieting and other physiological stress factors. Eating a clean diet of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats/oils combined with resistance training and cardio is the way to get lean naturally. Takes some discipline and hard work with the training but produces results that last. I like your blog brother, keep up the good work- Shane
Good sound advice and information.Don’t forget about health coaches for supporting people in their desire to make changes and how to get there.Health coaching is one of the fastest growing support outlets in the field of health and wellness,even well known medical institutions are getting on board.Keep up the good work !
Shawn Steele,NC,CHHC,AADP
The Healthy Navigator
Thanks Shawn!
Thanks for the heads up. When it comes to seaweed weight loss supplements the idea is that they have iodine. Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormone which regulates our metabolism. So the idea goes like this:
more iodine = more thyroid hormone = higher metabolic rate = more weight loss.
Weight loss is more complicated than this but I do plan on reviewing seaweed weight loss supplements at SupplementClarity.com in the near future.
Joe, please research a company called Limu. I recently started using their super nutrient drink and it has brought my pressure to normal ranges and suppressed my appetite. The proprietary product in Limu is called fucodian. The company has the drink,fat loss shakes, a cleanse and energy drinks.
if they added baloney to a supplement it would be called “Formula B” 🙂
ROFL…..Craig…..are we only up to Y? How funny is that.
Joe, thank you. I thought that looked a little strange. What the heck is Formula X? I know now…..its baloney. Who wants baloney in a weight loss supplement? LOL
Formula X is so last decade. We’re up to Formula Y now.
LaWanda, yes that tells me its baloney. “Formula X” LOL who are they kidding. Really, bag it its not worth your money.
Glad I can help LaWanda 🙂
Found out what’s in Stratzol
Proline, Tryptophan, Vitamin B3, Vitamin
E, Tyrosine, Soya Protein, Formula X
Uh, all Greek to me but maybe it means something to you.
Thanks, Joe. You have no idea how much I depend on you!!!!
LaWanda, run from that product as fast as you can!
I took out the link so nobody else would be tempted by the website but I did go to the products actual site. They wouldn’t even say what was in it (that’s always a red flag).
That one was a new one for me too so dont feel bad 😉
Here’s a new one…..at least for me:
LaWanda, It sounds like the counselors you have seen before were no help but I would not give up on this. I know there is someone out there who can help
Did you call all the hospitals in your area for a wellness program? if they dont have any they may know who has them.
If you cannot do a bike have you ever tried an elliptical? There is less stress on the knees than a a treadmill.
I understand how you feel about the pool but ya know, those other people don’t pay your bills -who cares what they think. I was at the gym recently and noticed an overweight woman who was wearing a T shirt that said “Because I Can”. I thought to myself “fantastic!” You can too LaWanda! You would not be the only person at the gym who was overweight. I have worked with people in gyms who were 500 pounds!
If not a ‘gym” how about Curves. Curves is a judgement free zone. Ive lectures to the woman who work at Curves and they are very much into helping empower other women. While you may not be able to do all the exercises in Curves, I think it would be good to get out and do something and be with other women.
Im glad you are blogging about your weight loss journey. Id like to see you do more of it. Blogging is a nice catharsis. its good to speak your mind on things that are important to you. This is actually one of the reasons I do it – but shhh don’t tell anyone 😉
I like the idea of weight watchers. What would it take for you to “get your head in the game”. Think about that and see if you can think of an answer.
I have reviewed Sensa on my Supplement Clarity website. Here is the link
I think the key to all of this is focus on being healthy, not losing weight (I know thats hard to do sometimes), get a good support group (counselor, RD, friends, Curves etc) and don’t let what other people may or may not think stop you. Most people are nice and very supportive when you set your mind to a goal.
I believe in you LaWanda. I know you have the inner strength to attain your goals. You’ve already taken the first step. Tomorrow take another step 🙂
Oh, gosh, Joe, thank you for the words of encouragement. I haven’t quite given up yet but the depression (from the weight gain) takes over a lot lately and things don’t always look like they’re worth pursuing.
I can’t ride a bike. I can’t bend either knee enough to push the pedals no matter how high I put that stationary bike seat up.
I wouldn’t dare go to a pool where other people could see me. I won’t even swim at the pool at my condo, though I pay dearly for the privilege because I don’t have a choice. Heck, I won’t even go to my niece’s house and swim in her pool. And the cost to put one in backyard was way more than I make in a year so we killed that idea fairly quickly.
And, I agree. Calories are calories. The point was we couldn’t get confused with all the numbers so we had to focus on one and my surgeon (along with most wls surgeons) picked carbs. However, my surgeon says 30 carbs A DAY and a friend’s say 100 a day. 30 per meal works far better for me.
I’ve done Weight Watchers during my “down” time but don’t have my head in the game and just can’t get back on track. I talked with a counselor but she just listened and didn’t have a lot to recommend. More money wasted. So, I talked to a counselor who was also a wls patient and she wasn’t in helping in getting my head on straight either.
I’ll check the eatright website (I’ve been there before) and will also call the hospitals in the area and see if I can find a RD I can afford if I can’t find a wellness program for free.
In the meantime, can I ask about Sensa? I talked to my doctor about it and she said it was also a fiber rich supplement but it seems it might be safer than the roca lab supplement. I’ll look on your “geek” page and see if I find anything there.
You’re certainly a worth of knowledge, Joe. Thank you for being there.
LaWanda, I did look at the Roca Labs supplement you asked me about on Facebook. It is a fiber supplement. They call it Beta Glucans but that is fiber. Some types of fiber expand in the stomach when mixed with water. that is what the Roca Labs stuff does. I have reviewed a few of these types of supplements in the past for example
Here is my review on Lipozene
and here is my review on Glucosulin
On the Roca Labs “research” page they dont list any research on the Roca Labs supplement. Its just on the dangers of diabetes and obesity. As you know I like research on the product itself rather than statistics that scare people or research on the ingredients that a product has.
when it comes to fiber that expands in size quickly when exposed to water, my fear is that it expands while in the throat. I do seem to recall case reports of fiber based weight loss supplements doing this in the past. I am not aware of anything recent though.
That said, I like fiber because it has no calories and does fill us up. I wonder if eating fruits and veggies might have a similar effect?
Im glad you told me about this product. I will take a more in depth review of it post it in the near future.
I think your fine with the computer LaWanda so dont worry about a thing. What is the “Triond” website that you posted at the top of your comment?
LaWanda, Im surprised that they emphasized carbs over calories. Weight gain comes from eating too many calories – from anything -not just carbs.
LaWanda, have you thought about consulting with a registered dietitian? They can put you on a food program with the right about of calories for you. You can find an RD in your area by going to the ADA website EatRight.org. It may be covered by your insurance too. Hospitals often have RDs available in their “wellness programs” that are often free.
I understand how knee pain can hinder exercise. Have you thought about a bike – stationary bike. Very little pressure on knees with the stationary bike. There are also pool exercise classes that have no stress on knees. If there is a health club near you, they definitely have bikes and may have a pool. I really do believe that if you got with a good RD (if you do get an RD ask if she/he has experience with weight loss surgery) and sensible exercise program.
I understand your frustration up to this point but I know your “gas tank” is not empty yet because you are writing about your experiences and ordeals and seeking knowledge. That is more than half the battle right there!
Thanks for the info, Joe. The thought of te fiber expanding in my throat is as frightening as the weight itself. Now I don’t know just what I want to do.
Triond is a site where I can write my little articles and put things like my weight loss journey in print. There are several places I write for but that just happened to be the one I chose to send you.
My surgery….AFTER the surgery, you get tid bits from the surgeon on your follow ups when he discusses with you what you’ve been eating and how well you’ve been chewing and just how your eating was going, in general.
Exercise was always in the forefront as in any program. But me with two bad knees that need to be replaced, exercise is difficult at best.
And calories were never a topic of discussion. Carbs was what we watched and were told to stay at 30 or less carbs per day. To be honest with you, Joe, if I could stay at that number, I wouldn’t have needed the surgery. I love salad and when I looked at the carb in it….well, you know.
So, thanks for your help and giving me some things to think about. And equal to that, thank you for cleaning up all those posts. I’m learning!!
Wanda, have you heard of the glycemic index diet? It’s similar to Atkins, but lower in fat and higher in good fruits and veggies! I’m sorry, I’m replying before reading all the way to the end and I realize this is an old post!
I turned 40 last July (2013) and decided for a lifestyle change as opposed to another “diet” and glycemic index has changed my life. Now, in May 2014, I’m almost 40 lbs lighter but my inches lost are incredible, and my energy level is just unbelievable!!! I feel and look younger at 41 than I did at 15!!! I work as a bartender so I’m on my feet all day, and still have energy to chase after a 2 1/2 year old at the end of the day!!!
I no longer eat anything processed or that comes out of a box, I don’t eat anything white at this point either! I also gave up sweet iced tea last year, switched to only ice water! No more sodas! And I now limit my alcohol intake to only one day a week! I also have to say I’m up against a battle because I take a medication where weight gain is a symptom!
I don’t get much extra exercise now, just running at work! But as I said, I’ve lost 6 inches off my hips and buttocks and 5 inches off my chest! My weight loss isn’t nearly what I want, but my mom reassures me it’s because I’m muscular!
Best of luck!!
Jenn, that is great news – Congratulations! Even though this is an older post, its one of the most popular on this site and I do update it with new information from time to time as well, so no worries. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts 🙂
LaWanda, going back to your weight loss surgery, it sure sounds like you went through a very difficult ordeal. After the surgery, did you have any nutrition counseling about how to eat properly, paying attention to portion control? if yes how long did it last? Did they encourage you to exercise after the surgery (when it was safe)? I know you have heard all of this stuff before. I do think that some of the weight you gained back was at least partially responsible to appetite hormones (there are hormones that tell us to eat). Did they teach you how to eat correctly (paying attention to calories) after the surgery?
I was banded in fall 2005, had a port infection in the latter part of 2006 and had the port removed. The port stayed out while my body healed and was put back in the spring of 2007, on the opposite side of my body…after an appeal was made by my insurance company since they no longer covered wls (weight loss surgery). In early 2010, the two surgeons in the office split the practice and went their separate ways and I chose the surgeon who had not performed my previous surgical procedures.
I had a malfunction that nobody had ever seen….the tubing came thru my skin. Keep in mind the surgeon who was going to fix this was not the surgeon who had put the tubing too lose to the surface and caused the problem. The port was removed again in the summer 2010.
While the surgeon was in there removing the port which had become infected because of the exposure of the tubing, he cleaned the tubing and put it back in. I was told prior to surgery that the tubing would be moved and new tubing would be put back in. If the port was infected, it would be removed and a new port would be replaced in yet another different spot. It took 10 months for the infected site to heal. It was being packed once, sometimes twice a day and when the incision would heal over and the infection was cleared, the incision would split open and we’d start over with the healing process.
There was one point when the infection was painful and the incision was somewhat open but wasn’t draining so the surgeon opened it in his office. Yes, I got a little numbing medicine but I knew we had to again start over. I can’t even remember how many times the incision site opened on its own and how much gauze and tape I used. Then my body got allergic and irritated from all the tape.
I just don’t think I can go thru surgery again but I have to do something. By my one year anniversary in 2006, I’d lost 85 pounds and eventually lost a few more for a total of 92. I’ve gained back 60 of those and this has to stop.
I did Metabolic for 7 months and $2000 and lost 7 pounds. But, no fear, I found them. That’s when I had the surgery.
So I’ve lost my crutch (band) and I need a new one. I’ve been to Weight Watchers a number of times thru the years, 2 of which were since my surgery. But I can’t get my head in the game. I know I need to have my head in the game or a crutch won’t work but I’m determined to get a crutch and make it work. I just know if I get a jump start I can do this.
Exercise is out as both my knees need to be replaced.
So, what’s the bottom line……$500 for no surgery bypass is not a good investment for me? I have read your “geek” page and passed it along but I’d love your personal suggestion for me. My band is still there but wide open, as if it didn’t exist, and I do some light weight lifting for upper body strength. Can you give me some guidance from there? And do I save my $500 or give it a try?
Bottom line here is that I was banded, had a port infection, had the port removed, waited for my body to heal, had the port replaced, got a port infection, had the port removed, waited for my body to heal and just couldn’t do the surgery again. I lost 92 pounds, 85 the 1st year, and have gained back 60 of those. I won’t go back to banding, RYN is too invasive for me, I’m in Florida and only in Miami do the do the DS (I’m in Jacksonville), the sleeve is too new for me to consider but I know patients who have had every surgery…some did well….some gained it all back. I have to find a solution. I did Metabolic, in 7 months and $2000 later, I lost 77 pounds. And as you’d expect, I left the program and gained it all back.
So, tell me plain and simple…..gastric bypass with no surgery for $500 isn’t a good investment for me? I sure do see a lot of it for sale on ebay.
LaWanda, when it comes to weight loss supplements, while I do keep looking and researching, I am continually disappointed with the supplements that are pawned off on people. Most weight loss supplements are either stimulants (caffeine in particular) or over priced fiber products.
I’ve reviewed many weight loss supplements on my site SupplementClarity.com so please do check that out before you buy something.
I’m sorry that the Bariatric surgery didn’t help you. As a side note I think the fact that not everyone is helped by weight loss surgery does not get out to the public as much as it should.
I know gaining weight is a complex issue that we do not totally understand but may I ask, why the surgery did not help you? Why didn’t it work? Did you follow the post surgery instructions? What does your doctor say about why it didn’t work?
Okay, so give me the bottom line here: is there a supplement that works? I’ve even tried bariatric surgery and that didn’t work for me either. I know there’s no magic pill or bullet, so they say, but is there an appetite suppressant out there that works?
Eat more fiber….heard it a million times. But how much fiber can you eat in one day? I’m thinking high fiber is fruit and vegetables.
Eat more protein….heard that too. It keeps you full and there’s no empty calories.
Cut out the junk food and exercise…..who hasn’t heard that one? What motivates anybody to want to exercise and even when there’s no junk food in the house, why are you always drawn to the snack machine? Yeah, there’s an apple on the counter AND a banana but I had a protein shake with fries strawberries and I passed the frig where the melons are and went straight to the snack machine for something sweet. Popcorn will help salty but only junk will help sweet.
Craig, I hear ya. Hopefully this person is doing that. The lure of weight loss supplements and ” fitness gurus” who advocate weight loss supplements – Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper etc. – make it hard for a lot of people to resist. When in doubt though the simple answer, is often the right answer.
And of course cut out the junk. Many people eat ‘healthy’ but still drink many sodas during the day, still eat snack bars, or packaged (junk) food labelled ‘health bar’ or similar.
Just stop it! Eat food. Nothing but food. And cut out the crap.
Tammy, that’s a great point about the food diary. I completely forgot about that so thanks 🙂
Joe.. you should make mention of MyFitnessPal’s website.. It is the best thing that has happened to me! down 21lbs so far in about 2 months. Food Diary, Tools, Fitness Community, Exercise Logs, Nutrition Info. and the list goes on and on!
Cory, thats FANTASTIC!!! You are right I should have mentioned apps for weight loss. Yes My Fitness Pal is a great app. On Android I also just saw a couple of free calorie counter / food journal apps too.
I totally agree about a food journal or diary. I lost 40lbs back in 2007 & keeping a food journal was a big help! I used ‘my calorie counter’ on Everydayhealth.com. In fact, I still use it, but now it’s more to track the breakdown of calories (carbs, protein, fat) and calories in opposed to calories out.
I’ve recently lost 27 pounds. I used a calorie tracker like Cara and have found that eating fewer calories while maintaining the proper amounts of protein, carbs, fat, etc, actually works. I think a big problem with many folks is that they want to continue to over eat, then take some magic pill and lose weight. Most people eat far more than they need to or should. It’s clear to me now that I was doing just that for years.
You don’t realize how much excess you’re consuming until you track it. I miss all that comforting food, but I feel So much better now. So what began as a diet has now turned into a lifestyle change. I track my intake daily and accept I need to continue to in order to stay healthy.
Wonderful Meg 🙂
People make weight loss more difficult than it needs to be….eating clean and exercising will create a calorie deficit which will then = weight loss… Keeping a food diary always puts people in check when they realize what and how much they are actually consuming. 🙂
I agree with you Tammy. I found a lot of new tracking devices in the Internet. I recently bought one of those, but I am not sure what exactly means all that info. I can track my calories but there is a lot more info. Now my husband wants one, and I would like to buy him the best for him. He wanted to increase his muscular mass. Joe, can you please help me?
Alexandria, what gizmo did you buy? I have had experience with the Fit Bit that tracks calories, steps and even sleep quality and wirelessly transmits it to your computer. Here is the new Fit Bit on Amazon.
I also know there are free/inexpensive strength training fitness apps for smart phones. I found this article on Android fitness apps
Does that help?
Hi Joe and thank you for your prompt response. I bought a Jawbone Up. So far is working well but I just wanted your advice. Thanks again.
Alexandra, that’s great! I’ve heard good things about the Jawbone Up. I believe it wireless connects to your computer yes? Keep using it and see what trends you can see from all the data it collects. keep me posted 🙂
Hi Joe, thanks for your reply. The Jawbone Up is not wireless . I have to upload it once or twice during the day. I do not really mind doing it. However, I just do not know what all of that info means. For example the information about my sleep; the device shows me my light and deep sleep. How I know if my deep sleep is enough for me. I have Lupus and my good health is a priority for me.
Alexandria, thanks for letting me know about that. I know the Fit Bit is wireless and thought Jawbone was also.
As far as sleep is concerned, it registers when you move around when you sleep. I believe it counts times when you turn over as not deep sleep and those times when you are motionless as deep sleep. It cant detect REM sleep (when you are dreaming) but just assumes that when you are not moving that you are in a deeper level of sleep. I can understand how this info might worry people who are concerned about the quality of their sleep. Personally, I wouldn’t worry too much about the sleep info. If you are sleeping through the night that’s likely good enough for your body.
I believe it also counts the steps you take each day. Aim for about 10,000 steps per day. That’s about 5 miles and is the often recommended about of steps we should take for health. It also tracks flights of steps you take. While walking up steps contribute to our cardiovascular health, there isn’t a national recommendation on how many flights of steps we should take. Just look at this info as interesting trivia and congratulate yourself for taking the steps instead of the elevator 🙂
Does that help?
I use Jawbone and love it! It is wireless, mine will sync with the app whenever I am within range of my smartphone and my wi-fi is on. I can also link the app with other apps, like My Fitness Pal! I can log activities on my Jawbone and the app “sends” the info to My Fitness Pal which adjusts my calories! You can also connect with friends which is great for encouraging each other and you can challenge them to duels! My daughter and I like 3 day duels where the app keeps track of the days and our steps to see who has the most steps.
Best of all it’s way cheaper than Fit Bit! I got mine for $12 and some change on Amazon Prime. Had it about a year and had to replace it, but even if I replace it 8 times, it’s still less than Fit Bit! Also runs on a battery instead of having to take it off to charge it.
Hi Colleen, really happy you like your Jawbone Fitness Tracker. I’ve heard many good things about Jawbones too.