BeLiv is touted to be nature's secret to maintaining healthy blood sugar ranges. Given this bold claim and the scams that are all over the web, it's wise to ask the question if BeLiv is a legit blood sugar supplement or just a hoax? And, if you do try it and just in case it doesn't work for you, how long is the warranty in case you need to get a refund on your money. Let's review the ingredients, proof, and overall pros and cons of this natural diabetes supplement.
Diabetes Is A Serious Health Problem
Almost 40 million people in the US alone have diabetes, which is the 7th leading cause of death in America. If you have diabetes, your insurance rates are probably higher. This is because the medical costs to treat someone with diabetes are twice as high as to treat those without this condition. Diabetes raises the risk of heart disease (the #1 killer of Americans) and stroke (the #5 leading cause of death) and it also is a leading cause of kidney failure.
Types of Diabetes: How Are They Different?
Type I Diabetes
Diabetes type I results from an autoimmune condition. For reasons that are not understood, our immune system mistakingly attacks cells of the pancreas called beta cells, which make the blood sugar lowering hormone, insulin. When beta cells are destroyed, insulin is no longer produced. This causes blood sugar to rise to dangerous levels. People with type I diabetes need to take insulin regularly to maintain proper blood sugar control. There is no cure for type I diabetes. Thankfully, only about 5% of diabetes cases are type I.
Type II Diabetes
Diabetes type II accounts for over 90% of cases. In this type, the body does not use insulin effectively, which causes blood sugar to rise. This is called insulin resistance. Risk factors include being over age 45, not being physically active, and having relatives who have this condition.
Type II diabetes is often the result of gaining too much body weight, coupled with too little physical activity. While people may make insulin, as their condition gets worse, they may not make enough. When this happens, doctors may prescribe insulin injections. This is serious and is a sign their diabetes is getting worse. It's important to know that type II diabetes can be controlled and in many cases, reversed. The keys to conquering type II include losing weight, exercising, and eating a healthy diet.
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes is basically pregnancy-related type II diabetes. It can occur even in women who have never had diabetes. While the gestational form often goes away after giving birth, it also raises the risk of getting type II diabetes in the future. Gestational diabetes is also a risk for the baby too because it increases the risk that they too will get type II diabetes later in life.
Pre Diabetes
Pre-diabetes, also called metabolic syndrome (the old name was “syndrome X”) refers to a group of medical issues that occur before someone is diagnosed with type II diabetes. Things that compose prediabetes include:
- Insulin resistance – your insulin is not working as well as it should
- High blood sugar levels
- Abdominal belly fat
- High blood pressure
- Elevated bad LDL cholesterol levels
- High triglycerides in the bood
- Elevated C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of cellular inflammation
Many with metabolic syndrome take a medication called metformin which helps insulin work better. But in the US, about 33% of Americans have prediabetes and many don't even know they have it. Prediabetes is serious and raises your chances of not only type II diabetes but also your risk of stroke and heart disease. But, the good news is prediabetes can be reversed. Losing weight, exercising, and eating healthy can stop it from progressing to type II diabetes.
What Does The BeLiv Name Mean?
The catchy name is is a play on words, BeLiv is short for “believe.” The subtle message is “believe it works.”
Who Makes BeLiv Supplements?
David Andrews is the creator of BeLiv supplements. Little is known about Mr. Andrews. It is not known if this is the same David Andrews behind the popular Diabetes Destroyer system ebook. There are two official websites for this supplement. Those vetted sites are and
The company behind the supplement is called BuyGoods. The BuyGoods company address is 800 W Main St Ste 1460 Boise, ID 83702-5983. This is the same address as Performance Digital Marketing LLC. The BuyGoods phone number is 302-404-2568. BuyGoods is accredited by the Better Business Bureau and has a 4 out of 5-star rating.
Contact BeLiv Customer Support
To reach customer service call 833-346-1641. You can also email the company at
How Do You Take and Use BeLiv?
Because this is a liquid supplement, the company suggests putting 1 dropper full (1 ml) under your tongue before breakfast in the morning. Alternatively, you can dissolve 1 ml in a glass of water and drink it.
Where Does Company Ship To?
Besides the United States, BeLiv is also shipped to Canada, the UK, France, Australia, New Zealand, and internationally to several other countries.
How Long Until BeLiv Works?
The company boasts many people will start to feel better in about 1 week although they also point out it may take 3 months to get the full effects. While blood sugar changes may be seen relatively quickly, If BeLiv really works, it make more than 3 months to see a lowered hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level.
BeLive Ingredients & Supplement Facts
The supplement Facts Lable lists several nutritional ingredients, some you have heard of and others you may not have. Since BeLive is a liquid tincture, each 1 milliliter contains:
Amount | Percent Daily Value | |
Chromium picolinate | 0.7 mcg | 2% |
Proprietary Herbal Blend | 200 mg | N/A |
Maca root extract | ||
Grape seed extract | ||
Guarana seed extract | ||
African mango fruit extract | ||
Eleutherococcus senticosus root extract | ||
Astragalus membranaceus root extract | ||
Green tea leaf extract | ||
Gymema sylvestra leaf extract | ||
Coleus forskohlii root extract | ||
Capsicum annuum fruit extract | ||
Grapefruit seed extract | ||
Panax ginseng root extract | ||
Raspberry ketones | ||
L-glutamine | ||
L-tyrosine | ||
L-arginine base | ||
Beta-alanine | ||
Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate | ||
GABA | ||
L-ornithine HCL | ||
L-tryptophan | ||
L-carnitine base |
Other Ingredients
BeLive also contains these additional ingredients that are not thought to contribute to how well the supplement works: Deionized water, organic citrus extract, natural flavors, stevia (steviol glycosides), and xylitol
Chromium Picolinate
The trace mineral, chromium is well known to promote healthy blood sugar levels and is popular with those who have prediabetes (metabolic syndrome), insulin resistance, and type II diabetes. Chromium picolinate is formed from a combination of the mineral, chromium, and a tryptophan metabolite called picolinic acid. This combination increases the body's absorption of chromium.
While not all studies show chromium works, there's enough of it to think it might help some people. In one review of 28 previous clinical trials, chromium was demonstrated to lower fasting blood glucose levels, insulin, and hemoglobin A1c levels.
BeLiv does not contain much chromium – just 2% of what is recommended. The chromium recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 35 micrograms (mcg) a day for men and 25 micrograms for women. For those over age 50, the RDA drops to 30 mcg for men and 20 mcg for women.
The dosage thought to improve blood sugar is thought to be around 200 micrograms (mcg). This is more than the measly 0.7 mcg found in each ml of the BeLiv supplement.
Can Chromium Help Weight Loss?
Weight loss would be expected to reduce blood sugar levels. While chromium picolinate remains a popular weight reduction aid, there's little proof it is effective.
Maca Root Extract (Lepidium meyenii)
Maca is a vegetable related to turnups and in countries like China and South America, it is eaten as food. Maca root extract, sometimes called “Peruvian ginseng” is thought to improve poor fatigue, libido, and even testosterone levels although the proof for the claims needs more study.
With respect to diabetes, some evidence suggests Maca reduces bad cholesterol and triglycerides and improves glucose metabolism in rats, however, human evidence of this is lacking. There is insufficient evidence to know if maca extract lowers blood sugar levels, A1c, in humans.
Grape Seed Extract (Vitis Vinfera)
Grapes and grape seed extract provide a multitude of plant nutrients such as antioxidant-rich polyphenols which help keep us healthy. Grape seed extract in particular is a good source of OPCs – oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes, which studies have revealed can reduce blood pressure.
In one high-quality study, involving people with type II diabetes, 600 mg of grapeseed extract, taken each day for just 4 weeks, was shown to improve blood sugar control, reduce inflammation, advanced glycation end products, and cholesterol levels and raise glutathione levels. The amount used in this study 600 mg per day) is more than is in the BeLiv supplement.
Guarana Seed Extract (Paullinia Cupana)
The company does not indicate which extract of guarana seeds the supplement contains. Guarana contains a significant amount of caffeine although the company does state that BeLiv is stimulant-free. This means it does not contain natural caffeine from green tea or guarana.
Preliminary evidence in animals suggests guarana increases the production of more metabolically active brown adipose tissue (brown fat). In theory, more brown fat may mean higher metabolisms and reduced blood sugar levels.
African Mango Fruit Extract (Irvingia gabonensis)
African Mango, also known as Bush Mango or Wild Mango, grows in Africa and is often touted to promote weight loss. Several studies have been conducted on a specific African mango extract, called IGOB131. The seeds are a good source of protein, fiber, and antioxidants.
African Mango Weight Loss Evidence
In one 10-week long study, 350 mg of the IGOB131 extract produced 28 pounds more weight loss in obese people compared to those taking a placebo, who only lost 1 pound. While this study was randomized and double-blinded (the best kind of study), body fat was determined using bioelectric impedance, which is less accurate than other methods such as the DEXA scan machine.
In a review of previous African mango weight loss studies, researchers concluded that the supplement “could not be recommended as a weight loss aid” until better quality studies are performed.
African Mango And Blood Sugar Control
In one small study people with metabolic syndrome, who took 300 mg of African mango extract had lower blood sugar after 90 days than those who took a placebo. Of the 12 people who took African mango, 7 of the people (58%) showed a “remission” of metabolic syndrome. In those who took the placebo, only 2 of the people (16%) reversed their pre-diabetes.
Eleutherococcus Senticosus Root Extract
Eleuthero is often called “Siberian ginseng” but it is not related to Panax ginseng which BeLiv also contains. Like other types of ginseng, Eleuthero is through to contain substances called “adaptogens” whose effects adapt to give you what you need.
For example, in one person, an adaptogen might have a calming effect while in others, it might stimulate stamina and energy. Little proof however exists for the therapeutic effectiveness of adaptogens. Key substances in Siberian ginseng are called eleutherosides. These are different, but somewhat similar to ginsenosides found in Panax ginseng.
In one investigation, people with type II diabetes who took 480 mg daily of Siberian ginseng that was standardized to contain E and B eleutherosides, showed reductions, after 3 months in fasting blood sugar and postprandial blood sugar (glucose levels after eating). In addition, their HBA1c levels decreased by 0.8%. Cholesterol and triglycerides also declined as well. These people also reported improvements in diabetic neuropathy symptoms too.
Astragalus Membranaceus Root Extract
Astragalus has long been used in ancient Chinese medicine to restore qi, also known as the life force. like many plants, astragalus contains a multitude of bioactive substances such as saponins, polysaccharides, alkaloids, and flavonoids. The diversity of compounds is thought to be related to the varied effects of astragalus ranging from anti-viral and bacterial to immune modulation and even protection from radiation.
Research suggests the polysaccharides in astragalus reduce insulin levels, improve insulin resistance, and even may protect insulin-producing beta cells from destruction. Its effects on immune modulation, in theory, may mean astragalus might benefit those with type I diabetes and other autoimmune disorders as well, although more research is needed to confirm this.
In a review of 13 previous studies involving people with diabetes type II, it was shown that astragalus, at a dosage of at least 40 grams a day lowers fasting blood glucose levels. Astragalus also appears to improve insulin resistance and fasting insulin levels too, although more studies need to be conducted to determine if it lowers HBa1c levels.
Green Tea Leaf Extract (Camellia Sinensis)
Green tea, made from the leaves of the camellia senensis plant is one of the most popular beverages on Earth. The United States is the leading importer of green tea. No surprise, China is the world leader in exporting green tea to other countries.
While green tea contains numerous biologically active compounds, substances called catechins, are thought to be very important to its health effects. One of the most famous catechins is called EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate).
Like guarana, green tea contains a good amount of caffeine which may keep people awake if taken before bedtime. The BeLiv company removes the caffeine from both green tea and guarana so this stimulant is not present.
Researchers first became interested in green tea for diabetes control after noticing people who drank 6 or more cups a day appeared to have a 33% lower chance of developing type II diabetes. In other studies, it was found that green tea was associated with lower fasting blood sugar levels and HbA1c levels. Other researchers have demonstrated that both caffeinated and decaffeinated green tea reduce fasting blood sugar levels too.
Video: Green Tea For Diabetes?
Watch on my Youtube channel if you prefer
Gymema Sylvestre Leaf Extract
Also known as miracle plant, Vishani, and Gimnema, Gymnema Sylvestre is grown all over the world including in Australia and Asia. Like several of the other BeLiv ingredients, Gymema has a reputation for reducing blood sugar levels.
Research suggests that an extract, called GS4 improves diabetes symptoms when used at a dosage of 400 mg a day for several months. This study involved 22 people with type II diabetes who were not using insulin. Of those people, 5 (22%) were able to stop their medications and continue with the GS4 supplement by itself.
In another high-quality study, Gymnema Sylvestre (600 mg a day) produced superior post-prandial blood sugar levels than a placebo. Of the 15 people who took the supplement, 47% achieved normal A1c levels.
In theory, Gymnema may also help reduce non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) by reducing the build-up of triglycerides in muscle and liver cells.
Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract
Also known as Forskolin and coleus and Garamar, coleus forskohlii, is taken for reasons ranging from asthma and weight loss to blood pressure control. While much of the blood sugar-lowering proof for coleus forskohlii comes from lab animal research, in one human study, it was reported that 500 mg of coleus, used alongside a low-calorie diet, resulted in better insulin levels than people who only dieted.
Capsicum Annuum Fruit Extract (Capsicum Frutescens)
Capsicum, derived from chili peppers is often used in weight loss supplements in the hopes of boosting metabolic rate. Higher metabolisms, may result in greater calories burned, resulting in weight loss. When capsicum (200 ml of bell pepper juice) was given to people with type II diabetes, alongside a yoga exercise program, a reduction in postprandial blood sugar was seen compared to people who performed yoga by itself. Capsicum has also been shown to reduce hyperglycemia in pregnant women who had gestational diabetes.
Grapefruit Seed Extract (Citrus Paradise)
Grapefruit is forever touted for its weight loss benefits even though the evidence is mixed. In other words, not all studies show grapefruit works. With respect to blood sugar, in lab animal studies, grapefruit appears to reduce blood glucose levels, but human results are inconclusive.
Panax Ginseng Root Extract
Panax ginseng can refer to either American ginseng or Asian ginseng. Both are called Panax. The BeLiv Supplement Facts label doesn't indicate which version of ginseng it contains. This is also a problem with some clinical studies where researchers don't identify the type of ginseng being studied. In one study, Korean red Panax ginseng (2000 mg a day), for 12 weeks, used alongside diabetes medications, appeared to improve insulin levels after eating although there was no change in HbA1c levels.
In a review of 8 previous studies, it was concluded ginseng had no effect on HbA1c levels although it did appear to lower fasting glucose and postprandial insulin levels.
Raspberry Ketones
Raspberry ketones are not related to the low-carb ketogenic diet but rather are the compounds that give raspberries their appealing aroma. Chemically, raspberry ketones look like both capsicum and the stimulant synephrine. As such, thanks to internet hype, raspberry ketones have been lauded as beneficial for weight loss. Contrary to its fans though, human proof of its anti-obesity effects is lacking.
Video Review: Raspberry Ketones and Weight Loss
Can Raspberry Ketones Regrow Hair?
When applied to the scalp some research hints these substances may improve hair growth. Here's a review of the research.
Glutamine is an amino acid, one of the building blocks of proteins. Since the human body can manufacture glutamine, it's sometimes called a non-essential amino acid. Glutamine is also a conditionally essential amino acid because sometimes the amount of produced may not suit our needs. In cases like this, supplementation may be required.
While glutamine remains a popular exercise-enhancing amino acid, other research has noted this amino acid appears to raise insulin levels, resulting in reduced amounts of glucose in the blood. Some studies have also revealed glutamine increases glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1). This is how some diabetes medications work. It is not known if glutamine reduces HbA1c levels. Dosages showing favorable results on diabetes symptoms range from 15 grams to 30 grams per day.
Tyrosine is an amino acid and an essential amino acid too. Because it's essential, humans must obtain it from the diet due to the inability to manufacture tyrosine in the body. While tyrosine is thought to be associated with lower blood sugar levels, it will take human studies to know if it in fact leads to better glucose management. Some studies have investigated tyrosine to see if it helps people lose weight. If weight loss occurs, this could reduce blood sugar. However, in most studies tyrosine is combined with other ingredients. This makes it difficult to know which ingredient promoted weight loss.
The non-essential amino acid arginine is known to raise nitric oxide levels, a potent vasodilator making it a popular ingredient in both blood pressure and male performance supplements. Some research suggests it may also raise growth hormone levels, making it also popular in anti-aging supplements. So far, there is little human proof arginine improves type II diabetes symptoms. The supplement facts label lists this ingredient as “L-arginine base” but it is not clear what this means.
Beta-alanine is related to the amino acid, L-alanine. Beta-alanine ramps up the production of a substance called carnosine which studies show is capable of reducing fatigue-causing lactic acid. Thus, beta-alanine is popular with athletes. Preliminary evidence hints that taking 112 grams of beta-alanine for three months appears to lower fasting blood sugar levels.
Monoammonium Glycyrrhizinate
Monoammonium glycyrrhizinate also referred to as glycyrrhizinic acid monoammonium salt, is a substance derived from licorice. The substance appears to have natural anti-inflammatory effects in the body as well as being able to modify the immune system by reducing cytokine production. In laboratory animals, monoammonium glycyrrhizinate has been shown to protect the mitochondria from elevated blood sugar levels and reduce diabetic neuropathy pain.
Because it is derived from licorice root, the FDA considers monoammonium glycyrrhizinate as generally recognized as safe (GRAS).
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is usually referred to as an inhibitory brain chemical transmitter because it reduces stress and induces feelings of calmness. It also exerts blood pressure lowering effects as well. Preliminary evidence suggests GABA improves the survival of insulin-producing beta cells. If proven to occur in humans, this may mean GABA may benefit those with both type I and type II diabetes.
L-Ornithine HCL
Back in the old days, ornithine was used by bodybuilders in hopes it would raise testosterone levels. While studies specifically linking this amino acid to lower glucose levels appear to be lacking, there may be a way in which it might work. In one study, ornithine lowered cortisol levels, feelings of anger, and improved sleep when people took 400 mg for eight weeks. Since cortisol and anger can raise glucose levels in the blood, reducing these factors may present a way ornithine might benefit those with blood sugar problems. The real test however would be to give ornithine to people with diabetes and see what happens.
The amino acid tryptophan promotes the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that exerts a calming effect on the body. In theory, tryptophan may work synergistically with L-ornithine which BeLiv also contains. That said, it's too soon to tell. Further making this issue challenging is research suggesting people with higher tryptophan levels may have a higher risk of type II diabetes. Associations do not mean this amino acid is related to diabetes. Either way, because it is listed toward the end of the ingredients list, there is not much tryptophan in the BeLive supplement.
L-Carnitine base
L-carnitine is formed from the amino acids methionine and lysine. In one study l-carnitine was shown to improve the clearance of glucose from the blood of people with type II diabetes. In a review of previous studies, it was concluded taking at least 200 mg of carnitine a day appeared to reduce blood sugar levels and HbA1c levels. This dosage is more than is found in BeLiv. Since L-carnitine appears last in the ingredients list, this tells us its presence in the lowest concentration of all the ingredients.
How Much Does BeLiv Cost
Check the official website for discounts, coupons, and up-to-date prices. Here is the cost when this review was last updated:
- 1 bottle: $69 plus shipping / you save $110
- 3 bottles: $177 (free US shipping) / you save $360
- 6 bottles: $294 (free US shipping) / you save $1074

BeLiv Side Effects & Adverse Negative Reactions
No known negative side effects were known to exist from BeLiv supplements when this review was created. While undesirable effects are not known, here are some suggestions to minimize them if you are going to try BeLiv liquid supplements.
- Start with less than recommended for the first week to see if you have side effects
- Speak to your doctor If you take diabetes medications (insulin, metformin, etc.)
- Consider showing the ingredients to your pharmacists for his/her impute
- Do not use BeLiv while pregnant. Some of the ingredients may not be safe during pregnancy
- Avoid this supplement if breastfeeding
- Stop taking BeLiv at least two weeks before surgery, unless your doctor says otherwise
BeLiv Customer Testimonials
The company gives the supplement a 5-star rating, based on 8,000 happy customer reviews. Verified customer reviews appearing on the official website include:
Sabine G: “My sugar is down from 200's plus to 123 to 140. I have lost 6 pounds.”
Robert B: “It did lower my blood sugars.”
Sean B: “My blood sugar is stable and I have more energy.”
Given the company states, to have 8,000 positive BeLiv reviews, it's odd there are not more testimonials on the company website. Maybe there will be when you look?
Is BeLiv Sold Locally in Stores?
So far it doesn't appear you can purchase this supplement at local shops like Walmart, Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS, Costco, Sams Club, Kroger, BJ's Wholesale Club, Target, or Publics. This may change in the future but for now, the only way to purchase is via the official website.
This is the verified official website link
Which BeLiv Ingredients Contain Caffeine?
Caffeine is not mentioned on the Supplement Facts label and the company says BeLiv is stimulant-free. This is good to know because both green tea and guarana are known to contain caffeine.
BeLiv vs. Glucofort
Glucofort is another popular supplement for reducing blood glucose. So far there are no studies comparing what's better Glucofort or BeLiv. On the plus side, both supplements share ingredients in common such as chromium, licorice root extract, and Gymnema Sylvestre, which tells us they are important. Check out Glucofort here.
How Does BeLiv compare to Diverxin SugaREX?
If you are wondering which is the better supplement, it's challenging to say which is superior as there are no head-to-head clinical studies comparing BeLiv to SugaREX. That said they do have Gymnema Sylvestre in common which tells us their respective companies feel it's important. Diverxin SugaREX also contains cinnamon and vanadium which also have their share of evidence showing improvement in diabetes symptoms. Between the two supplements, SugaREX ingredients make more sense for a supplement able to lower glucose levels.
How To Get a BeLiv Refund: Warranty and Money Back Guarantee Information
This supplement comes with a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee if BeLiv doesn't work well for you. To get a refund you need to return the bottles. The company honors refunds on both opened and unopened bottles.
The 60-day refund window begins the day you order the supplement – not when it arrives at your home. This means your money-back guarantee is less than 60 days because it will take a few days to be delivered to your house.
To get a refund, follow these steps:
Email BeLiv customer support at and request a return merchandise authorization number (RMA) number. This is important. The company will not accept returns without this RMA number.
Include the RMA number with the supplements you are sending back
Return the bottles to 1000 Brickell Ave Ste 715 PMB 5245 Miami, FL 33131. Note that PMB means private mailbox.
When the company receives your return, they will email you to confirm they received the items and let you know when you can expect a refund.
What Do I Suggest?
While BeLiv contains many ingredients that have blood sugar management research, I was surprised it did not contain ingredients I expected to see such as:
I linked to brands that I like and trust. Since supplements are meant to supplement a healthy lifestyle, no diabetes management program is complete without the foundation of eating fewer calories, more fiber and fruits/veggies, and getting regular physical activity.
BeLiv Pros & Cons
Pros | Cons |
Liquid. No capsules to swallow | BeLiv itself lacks clinical proof |
60-day refund policy | Proprietary blend |
Take only 1x a day | Some ingredients lack human proof |
Research on ingredients |
Does BeLiv Really Work?
At first glance, BeLiv, almost looked like a weight loss supplement masquerading as a diabetes supplement. Nevertheless, glucose-lowering proof can be found for most of the ingredients in the supplement and it's possible the broad spectrum of the ingredients may work synergistically together. If it works, you should see changes quickly, well within the 60-day refund policy.
Here's the official company website to learn more.
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