Update 4/21/20. Does the Ab Circle Pro work? The Ab Circle Pro is another in a long series of “amazing” “breakthrough” abdominal machines touted to help you lose weight. Here is how it’s supposed to work: You swing your body back and forth in an arching motion. This, they say, actives the abs and obliques to burn fat and reduce the midsection. Sounds good but does this home fitness machine really work? Here is everything you need to know.
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Ab Circle Pro TV Commercial Claims
If you saw the TV commercial fo this home gym machine, Here are some the things you should know:
At least 10 times during the infomercial you saw this statement:
“The complete ab circle pro system includes a reduced calorie diet and regular aerobic exercise”
So, if you just used the Ab Circle Pro for 3 minutes a day (as they say you should) and did not eat less and do aerobic exercise, you WILL NOT lose weight like they hint you will.
They say that the Circle Pro gets you to your aerobic target heart rate zone faster than any aerobic machine in the gym. If that’s so, why are they also recommending additional aerobic exercise as part of the Ab Circle Pro program?
Think about it; they say that Ab Circle Pro is like “a treadmill for the abs.” If that’s really true, then you shouldn’t have to do extra aerobic exercise, right?
If you’re not used to doing this type of exercise, then it’s likely that you will get to your target heart rate faster. But getting there faster doesn't mean the machine is better.
There is a lot they don't tell us, for example:
- How long will you stay at your target heart rate? They don’t say.
- How many calories do you burn when you use the Ab Circle Pro? They don’t say.
- They often recommend using it for only 3 minutes a day. How many calories does that burn? They don’t say that either.
I have no doubt that if you are not used to it, the Ab Circle Pro will increase your heart rate some and you may start to sweat.
But what happens after 2 or 3 weeks later? After some time, you would get used to the Circle Pro, resulting in less sweating, less increase in heart rate and fewer calories used.
“Like a Treadmill for the Abs” – Really?
The statement that the Ab Circle Pro is it’s “like a treadmill for the abs” makes you think it's as good at cardio as a treadmill.
But where is the proof? They don’t say.
They do mention an “independent study,” but I can’t locate it.
It's not listed on the Ab Circle Pro website or the website for Jennifer Nicole Lee, the spokeswoman of this home gym machine. How many people were in the study have? How long did the study last?
They don't say.
Could it be that cutting calories is needed to get the results shown in the infomercial? Of course, it is! That’s why at the bottom of each testimonial on the TV commercial, it says people also reduced their calories and did aerobic exercise.
3 minutes on the Ab Circle Pro equals 100 sit-ups -Really?
They say that 3 minutes of exercise equals 100 sit-ups. But, there is no research to prove this.
Who proved it?
Where is the study published?
Of course, the machine will activate the abs and other abdominal muscles to a degree, but until they do a clinical study and get it published in a peer-reviewed science journal, I don't believe its the same as 100 situps.
The company guarantees that you’ll lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm pretty sure people will lose weight during the first 2 weeks – if they follow the entire program and here is the main reason why:
the low-calorie eating plan.
When we reduce calories and/or the carbs we eat, we cause our body to use glycogen, which is carbohydrates that our body stores for future use. When we use this energy, we release a LOT of water in the process.
This is actually how the Atkins, ketogenic diet, and South Beach Diet work. They get you to cut your carbs for the first 2 weeks of the diet. After two weeks, people lose a lot of weight – most of it is water. Your first sign of weight loss is frequent trips to the bathroom when you are on these diets.
Ab Circle Pro TV Commercial
They say the Ab Circle works because it combines cardiovascular and abdominal exercises. But what the infomercial doesn't show is the proof that it burns calories as well as a treadmill, elliptical, etc.
Who Is Jennifer Nicole Lee?
Jennifer Nicole Lee is not only the spokesperson for the Ab Circle Pro she is also the co-creator and designer of the product too. According to her website, she is “a fitness model and the CEO of her multi-million dollar empire”, called JNL. In the infomercial, they say Jennifer is a Fitness Celebrity and an Expert Fitness Celebrity
Both of these titles have no official definition. From her website and the infomercial, we learn that she lost about 70 pounds and truly that's wonderful. But, I would expect somebody with the title of “expert” to have at least an MS degree in exercise science. That's my opinion of course.
As the CEO of a multi-million dollar fitness corporation, I know she’s smart – very smart. But does that translate into her expertise in muscle physiology, cardiovascular physiology, fitness testing, sports nutrition or other areas which a fitness expert should have? Maybe. I just don't know.
How The Ab Circle Pro Is Supposed To Work
All advertisements for ab gizmos make people think by exercising the abs you will lose weight/fat from the abs. This is called spot reduction and it’s a myth. Think about it – Practically every abdominal exercise device you have ever seen on TV is based on this myth.
We cannot lose fat from just one part of our body. If we could, you would see skinnier arms on baseball pitchers and tennis players. But we don’t see this.
While they never specifically say spot reduction in the infomercial, all the pictures and talk about abs leads one to believe this is what will happen when you use the Ab Circle Pro. Does Jennifer Nicole Lee believe in spot reduction? I hope not because there is no proof for it.
I have never met her but I’d like to know if anybody has asked her this question. If she doesn't believe in spot reduction, then how does she rationalize marketing an ab gizmo whose implied marketing premise IS spot reduction?
See Dr. Bill Sukala's review of Ab Circle Pro.
Ab Circle Pro And 20/20
On May 20, 2011, the TV news show 20/20 did a segment on infomercials and featured the claims made by Jennifer Nicole Lee in her Ab Circle Pro commercial. 20/20 reports that in 2006 JNL told people on the Oprah Show that she lost her weight by doing squats while using her son Dylan as resistance.
But, in the Ab Circle infomercial, JNL doesn't mention doing squats with her infant son but rather attributes all of her weight loss to the Ab Circle Pro. In her words, “all thanks to the Ab Circle Pro”. This is interesting since Jennifer Nicole Lee lost her 80 pounds in 2004 – before this exercise machine was being sold.
When 20/20 contacted JNL for their segment, she disputed her weight loss was all due to the machine–even though 20 /20 had her own voice saying this on TV. After complaints about how JNL lost her weight, the company that makes the ab machine changed the wording used in product ads saying :
“Ms Lee used the Ab Circle Pro to maintain weight loss that she had already achieved”
Likewise, the claim that people can get their exercise in as little as 3 minutes a day has also been dropped from TV ads.
20/20 also consulted with Pratt Institute Photoshop expert William Hilson who claimed that the before pictures used in TV ads appear to be computer “stretched” – to make people look wider than they really are. While the company that makes the Circle Pro maintains that the before pictures were not altered, 20/20 reports that the before pictures have been dropped from ads.
After JNL agreed to a formal sit-down interview with 20/20 (she was originally confronted by 20/20 as she left a tanning salon), 20/20 reported that JNLs lawyer contacted them and threatened to have them arrested if they tried to contact JNL again.
The FTC Verdict
On August 24, 2012. The US Federal Trade Commission has ordered the company that makes Ab Circle to pay 25 million dollars in refunds because of deceptive advertising. Here is the FTC report. There you can also apply for a refund as well.
Ab Circle Pro Side Effects
If you are healthy, this exercise machine is safe. If you are not “healthy” then consult your doctor first. People who may want to consult their doctor first include those who:
- Are pregnant
- Have neck problems
- Have knee problems
- Have back problems like scoliosis of the spine
- Have difficulty getting up or down from the floor
- Have shoulder problems
- Have osteoporosis /osteopenia
- Have tennis elbow/golfers elbow
If you have high blood pressure, make sure you get up slowly. Sometimes getting up too quickly can cause a drop in blood pressure which may make you dizzy.
Of course, problems with these conditions are entirely hypothetical. There is no proof the device hurts anyone. I'm basing these suggestions on how the machine works and how you are situated on it. We are all different. I'd rather mention it than not.
Does The Ab Circle Pro Work?
If you read the comments below, you will see some people have said it did work. When it comes to strengthening the muscles, I'm pretty sure the Ab Circle Pro will work. But as for getting rid of love handles, etc., if you only use the machine and don't eat fewer calories, well then, I remain skeptical.
Here it is on Amazon
The review of Ab Circle Pro machines is so awesome. I’m really impressed by it. You also mentioned Ab-circle Pro side effects correctly, which was absolutely professional.
Overall, I feel imformative after read out your Article.
Thanks a lot, dear.
This machine is good for exercising and toning those parts of the torso and core, that one seldom uses in natural physical movements or even when exercising or playing sport in general.
It will give you stronger and toned oblique muscles, and lead to generally harder, toned and stronger abdominal muscles. What you should not expect, is the machine resulting in you losing the stored fat around your waist area.
If you want the “six-pack” abs, you need to eat less fat, cut your calories and exercise. Use this machine in conjunction with other high-intensity interval training, like “mountain-climbers”, interval rowing and interval running, to get a full conditioning and fat loss workout which increases metabolism.
I’ve had this machine since 2010. For many years it collected dust. Recently I’ve started using it again, in conjunction with other “HIT” cardio-exercises, and I have better results, than when I first got it.
Paven, thanks for sharing and I agree with what you said about eating fewer calories. That’s really the key to weight loss. I’m so glad to learn you are getting good results from your exercise routine 🙂
I have a desk job and pretty much sit on my bum for a living. I also game so i sit at home on my off time. I just purchased the circle pro in a hopes to get my body in motion. I like how you say it strengthens the belly muscles. Because i feel i gotta do that considering im pretty stationary…
My question is. Once ive built a little more stamina and stomach muscle what should i add next to remove the belly fat? Is the answer really “running”? Get a treadmill? Or is that the answer all along?
Did i waste my money?
Thank you
Forever, For someone like you who does a lot of sitting, I can see how the Ab Circle Pro might help. Sitting all the time is not very healthy (I say this while I sit at my desk) and one reason for this is it can lead to blood clots. By moving, we make more of the compounds which act like natural blood thinners. This helps keep the blood flowing and reduces blood clots.
To remove belly fat, its not just about exercise. You dont need to run or get a treadmill. Walking will be fine if you want to add more aerobic exercise. While exercise is good, the food we eat plays a bigger role. Can you eat a few less calories per day? if yes, that will help you lose weight and belly fat. You cant just do crunches or sit ups to lose belly fat. we lose weight all over the body at the same time.
Exercise can help us burn calories but exercise doesn’t burn as many calories as most think. Most of the calories we use come from metabolic processes to keep us alive every second. this is called resting metabolic rate. You are burning calories right now. While its not a lot, it continues all the time – even when we are sleeping. If we combine this slow burn of calories with eating a little bit less, then it should lead to less calories being stored as fat. This will cause the body to use its fat reserves to make up the difference. this can lead to belly fat loss.
So what foods are we talking about – eat more fruits and veggies. These foods dont have a lot of calories. Add some lean protein like chicken or turkey too. When you fill up your plate, most of the plate should be fruits/veggies.
Don’t worry if the weight does not come off fast. we dont want quick weight loss. when the weight loss is slow, that’s when you know its fat.
Hope this helps. if you have any other questions, just ask 🙂
Joe, us senior golfers often don’t get a good turn going back because of loss of flexibility in the hips and shoulders. I know there are specific exercises to address this but do you see this machine helping range of hip and/or shoulder flex as a possible side benefit?
Hi Barry, that is a VERY interesting question! I have not heard of the Ab Circle Pro helping golfers but I would not be surprised if it helped. While I dont think it would do much for the shoulders, since you are swiveling your hips, it makes sense some improvement in hip flexibility ROM might occur.
If you try the Ab Circle Pro, let me know what happens. I’m really curious!
I just bought the ab circle pro. I wanted to know will it tighten up my legs and mid section? I’m working out on it like 3 times a week and am gonna to stop eating after 7. I gained a lot of weight and need to tone up as well as lose my extra thigh fat and belly fat.
So far I been doing the 12 minute intermediate workout. I do feel it in my stomach. So I’m excited about that so far. But am not a real active woman. So the ab circle pro gives me hope. Plus I wear my waist trainer too. Will that make a difference?
Hi Crystal, it sounds like you are doing a lot to improve your health. Congrats!!! 🙂 I like the idea of stopping eating after 7pm. This will help you lose weight by reducing the number of calories you eat. You don’t have to reduce too many calories to see a difference.
Any exercise you do will help you. If the Ab Circle Pro gets you motivated to exercise then I say keep it up! The combination of exercise and eating a few less calories WILL help you lose weight.
Do you know the brand of waist trainer you are using? There are many different types. Some may work differently than others. I you tell me who makes it, I can tell you my thoughts.
I tried Ab Circle for 2 months. While I did feel sore in my midsection at first, I didn’t feel it shrank my mid section.
Hi Loranne, it makes sense the Ab Circle Pro would make your midsection sore in the beginning. That soreness is called DOMS – delayed muscle soreness. Its normal soreness we feel when we do exercise we are not used to. If you’ve never used the Ab Circle pro before, it makes sense it would cause this soreness.
Here’s my review of DOMS if you want to learn more about it.
I bought my Ab Circle Pro from a garage sale and have used it for the last year. It’s helped a lot I feel.
Hi jen, thats great. I am very glad to hear your Ab circle pro is helping you 🙂
I wouldn’t do the Ab Circle Pro expecting to lose weight in the gut. But I am tempted to do it just to build up muscle in that area. I have some lower back pain that makes sit-ups hurt after a few minutes, which is why I am looking for something like this. I’m thinking 10+ min a day and the 90 min that I already ride my (recumbent) bike will help tone that area, which is all I am really after.
Hi Bryan, start with less than 10 minutes a day at first. That will reduce muscle soreness you might feel when starting any new exercise. I also want to see how your low back feels after using the Ab Circle Plus. Its good to remember that our abs are being worked all the time even though we dont do “ab exercises.” Have you ever had your low back pain evaluated by a doctor or physical therapist? I’m wondering if there might be some type of stretching, etc., that might help reduce your low back pain. Just a thought.
If you decide to try Ab Circle Plus, let me know how you like it.
Hi, I have been walking on my treadmill 1 hour a day and doing my ab circle pro for 30 mins a day. I have cut out all pop. I have lost 11 pounds in 6 weeks..I’m 27 years old , 5’2 and started at 182 lbs. Is this good? Is there anything more you would recommend to help with weight lose? Im really wanting to get back to my prepregnancy weight of 134 Thanks
Hi Ashlie, While I think the 30 minutes of the Ab Circle pro is helping some, my guess is most of your weight loss came from the cutting out the soda (and anything else you cut back on too). I think you are off to a wonderful start. I want to say keep doing what you are doing and if you want to switch things up a bit, take a walk for 30 minutes or do 15 of the Ab Circle Pro and 15 min of walking. I would say stay clear of weight loss supplements. As you may have seen from my SupplementClarity.com site most seem to be over priced with little evidence.
If you are going to do strength training, start with simple stuff like push ups from your kitchen sink and squats from sitting in a chair. Start with only 1 set (1 round) of each. That way you wont be too sore when you start them.
There is some evidence that drinking water can reduce appetite too. Aim for 1/2 your body weight in water per day.
I hope that helps Ashlie. Any other questions, let me know 🙂
I think the whole point is whatever shape or form of exercise you use it is going to help. People say WBV machines are no good too but I have one and I love it, it makes you feel good all over and I can seriously work up a sweat on it if I want too. The ab circle pro is like that too.
Some people have a habit if buying things and not using them and then saying it doesn’t work. I am buying an ab circle because I’m getting old and it gets you off the floor simple as that. I have a lot to lose if it works it works if not it is at least some form of exercise and doing me some form of good.
Moons2u, I do agree the best exercise is the one you will do on a regular basis. I do hope the Ab Circle Pro helps you and I do agree whole body vibration makes us feels good all over 🙂
I am already lost my weight from 82kg to 68kg…But i got flabby skin around my stomach with fat…for tht abs circle help to me…
Gautham, the Ab Circle Pro will make the muscles stronger but I dont think it will help the lose skin. See a doctor about this. A dermatologist may be able to give you a good idea about the elasticity of your skin and how much the Ab Circle might help.
Hi I’m Jessica,and i have been using the ads circle for about four weeks one time a day along walking and jogging, and a little diet. I use the abs circle for about 30 mins each day. The thing is i don’t no which one is helping me lose the weight. If it do not work for me i will not feel bad because i didn’t by it i borrow it.
Jessica, its not that the ab circle pro isn’t doing anything – the important thing is that you are making progress and that is what is most important to me 🙂
The ab circle pro is a joke and who every buys it is a joke straigh like that
she used the abs circle pro only and it only made her stomach small but it doesn’t really make you lose your legs, cause at the moment i wanna the kind of exercise that makes you lose your stomach only and i wanna add on weight on my legs, i do eat healthy stuff plus the only thing i drink is water i don’t like sugar stuff and mostly i don’t eat fast food restaurant i usually home made food and i sort of like a vegetarian i don’t eat lots meat, but i like fish and sea food.
well you are going to lose weight from all over your body at the same time – but at different speeds. the belly is one of the first to start to shrink. You can try the Ab Circle but I honestly still dont feel it will trim your tummy if that is all you are doing. We cant just lose weight from the abs. It sounds like your diet is pretty healthy. I think just taking a 30 min walk a day 5 days a week should do the trick. If you want to use the Ab Circle I wouldn’t buy a new one. check eBay or Craigslist and try to get it cheaper. that way if it doesn’t work, at least your not out as much money.
thank you Joe,but i have a friend who use’s the abs circle and she said it works but it doesn’t make you lose your legs, so what kind excise are best for my stomach, because i want to put on a little bit of weight on my legs but not stomach.
Lyna, the belly is one of the first areas that starts to lose weight. I would recommend a simple walking program. If you like to bike ride than a bicycle would be great too. Walking is easiest so that’s why I mentioned it. If you did 45 min of walking a day, 5 days per week (and cut back a Little bit on food) that should make a difference. Getting back to the gym idea I mentioned before, there is some evidence that strength training helps women lose belly fat.
I think your friend who uses the Ab Circle is probably eating less food and that is what is causing weight loss. Is she only doing the Ab Circle? how many minutes per day and days per week is she doing it?
i was wondering what kind of exercise can you do to put weight on your legs but not your stomach and would the abs circle pro help if i used i??
Hi Lyna, when you say “put weight on your legs” I am going to assume you mean muscle (Im sure you dont want your legs to be fatter). The best way to add muscle to your legs is to do some type of leg strengthening exercises. I am not sure of starting point -exercise wise – so I will suggest that you get a kitchen chair and sit down on it. Then, slowly stand up. Then slowly sit back down. Do this for 10 times. Give yourself a few days rest and then do it again – but do 2 sets of those 10 times. Take your time and work up to doing 3 sets of standing and sitting in the kitchen chair. That will strengthen the legs and butt.
If you belong to a gym, there are many exercises that can add muscle to your legs. If you are not sure of how to use the machines, I suggest you ask one of the personal trainers at the gym. Do not let the sales person at the gym show you! Some gyms – like LA Fitness – let sales people act like personal trainers but they ARE NOT personal trainers. They dont know what they are doing usually. Just an “insider tip” I thought I’d pass along to you.
As for the Ab Circle Pro, save your money. It will not really work your legs at all and I dont think it will flatten your tummy either.
Felicia, anytime. yes 1600 calories is about the lowest you want to go if you are working out 4x a week. if you feel your energy level dropping up it a wee bit and see how you feel then. You’ll get there, just give it time. At 23, you are still “under warranty” 😉
Thank you very much! I have actually just recently cut back to about 1600 calories per day and cut out all pop about two weeks ago. I just want to be healthy and keep up somewhat with my three year old and two month old without dragging. I also of course want to fit in my wedding dress. I’m not so concerned about what the scale is telling me but more about how my body and energy level are feeling. I just want to be a healthy 23 yr old again.
Thanks again Joe
Hi Felicia, save your money on the Ab Circle Pro. It only strengthens muscles. it does not burn fat from the tummy. How many calories a day are you eating? I like that you are working out 4x a week. That does burn some calories.
If you cut a few calories from your diet, that will help even more.
Check out my post on “what weight loss supplement is the best”
notice how many calories are used for exercise vs how much is used to maintain your resting metabolism (BMR). There are 168 hours in a week. You are working out about 4 hours or so in a week or so. Thats good but also look at what else you can do for those other 164 hours.
The best thing is to cut out about 250 calories from your daily calorie intake. If you did this you would lose about 1/2 lb per week on average (exercise will cause a little bit more than this)
If you do not know how many calories you are eating now, write everything down. you can enter this into online food programs which will calculate all of this for you. A site I like is FitDay.com
I think this will be better than the Ab Circle Pro Felicia. Hope this helps you.
I need to lose inches for my wedding dress. I have been running and going to the gym at least 4 times a week. Will the ab circle help me or is there some other exercises out there that I can incorporate with the running that will work just as well? (I just had a baby on April 15th)
Hi Mel, doing the exercises for the inner thighs will not burn fat from the inner thighs only. So just doing the Ab Circle Pro should not reduce the size of the thighs (unless you are eating less calories and doing aerobic exercise – in that case the combination of exercise and eating fewer calories will cause weight loss from all over your body – not just your thighs).
Losing weight/fat from just one part of the body is called spot reduction and it does not work.
We can spot build (building up the muscle that is exercised) but I don’t think the Ab Circle Pro will cause a lot of build up of muscle on the inner thighs because you are not using a lot of resistance. I would not totally rule it out in some people but I think in most people this won’t happen.
let me know if you have other questions 🙂
I have been using the Ab circlePro for about three weeks now, i normally do the exercise for the inner thigh, would this increase the size of my outer thigh or reduce the size?????
Your welcome…just the bbb reports would make me not buy one if i was considering it…if there are too many risks to a product, and if the study shows that 3 minutes of that : 9 minutes traditional…i would rather do traditional then risk the headaches of returning product or getting off the automail of a pill i wouldn’t take
Thanks for letting me know that Heather. I did see that study on the Ab Circle Pro you referenced also. Very interesting!
some things to consider…if you dont want to click links,
search better business bureau then look for ab circle pro
youtube then search consumer reports ab circle pro
and the final one is an abstract on study done by eastern illinois university …
better business bureau is sure aware of them…231 complaints in past 36 months…
“Complaint Experience
Of the complaints we have received against this company, in at least some cases, the complaint allegations are very serious. Complainants allege various ordering, billing, delivery, and customer service issues.
Complainants allege receiving unauthorized purchases, incomplete orders or missing parts/components, failure to deliver products, and difficulty contacting customer service to make cancellations, obtain RMAs, or clarify billing and delivery disputes. Complainants also allege overcharging, difficulty obtaining refunds, and misleading advertising.
Other complainants allege they are billed for and shipped automatic orders of vitamins although they did not authorize enrollment into the “vitamin program”, inability to cancel shipments, or failure to disclose product use and warranty terms. The company responds to some complaints by shipping orders, replacing items, issuing RMA’s, canceling orders, or providing contact information.
The company responds to other complaints by issuing credits or refunds, or denying complaint allegations indicating they have recordings of phone calls to support their position. In some cases, the company fails to properly address the complaint allegations or their responses are inadequate.”
J Strength Cond Res. 2010 Dec;24(12):3415-21.
A comparison of trunk muscle activation: ab circle vs. traditional modalities.
Willardson JM, Behm DG, Huang SY, Rehg MD, Kattenbraker MS, Fontana FE.
Department of Kinesiology and Sports Studies, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois, USA. jmwillardson@eiu.edu
The purpose of this study was to compare the activation of the rectus abdominis (RA), external oblique abdominis (EO), lower abdominal stabilizers (LASs), and lumbar erector spinae (LES) during performance of 3 traditional trunk exercises vs. exercise on the Ab Circle device. Surface electromyography was used to assess 12 subjects (6 men, 6 women) for 6 exercise conditions, including: abdominal crunch, side bridge, quadruped, and Ab Circle levels 1-3. For the RA, the abdominal crunch elicited significantly greater activity vs. the Ab Circle level 1, and the side bridge elicited significantly greater activity vs. the Ab Circle levels 1 and 2. For the EO, the side bridge elicited significantly greater activity vs. the quadruped. No significant differences were noted between conditions for the LASs. For the LES, the side bridge and quadruped elicited significantly greater activity vs. the abdominal crunch. The results of this study indicate that the anterior, posterior, and lateral trunk musculature can be activated to similar or even greater levels by performing the 3 traditional trunk exercises vs. the Ab Circle. This was particularly evident for the side bridge exercise, which elicited significantly greater activity of the RA vs. the Ab Circle levels 1 and 2, and elicited similar activity of the EO, LASs, and LES at all 3 Ab Circle levels.
I have a couple of ideas. Maybe your Aunt used the ab circle pro a lot during that 3 weeks and maybe she also did some sort of aerobic activity to beef up the calories she burned. Its also possible that since the Ab circle pro was a new form of exercise for her, that it temporary caused her to burn an inordinate amount of calories for the first few weeks.
This idea about burning an unusually high number of calories at first is something that exercise gizmos tout a lot in commercials. Often commercials say stuff like “the tread climber burns more calories than a treadmill” – but that’s only for the first few weeks. Once people get used to the tread climber, it uses the same calories as the treadmill.
Your aunt said she “didn’t really” lower calories – but did she reduce calories a little bit? Even a small reduction in calories can lead to weight loss.
I have no doubt that using the ab circle pro will strengthen ab muscles. Can you ask your aunt if she lost an additional 13 pounds after the next 3 weeks?
That would be my guess. The important thing is that your aunt has been working out and has been seeing results. My hope is that she keeps with it 🙂
I read over what you said about the ab circle pro and it made a lot of sense. But i do have one question, my aunt carly bought that ab circle pro too. She said she lost 13lbs the first three weeks, and then the next four weeks she gained lots of muscle in the ab’s and oblique’s. she said she didn’t really lower calories so i don’t see how she lost fat on he stomach….can u explain this to me?
Hi Chelsea,
What you say is true – you will see better weight loss by cutting down on a few calories a day rather than cutting back on fat (you can lose weight by reducing fat from your diet, but this is because fat has a lot of calories – so as you cut back on fat, you are also cutting back on calories). To be healthy however its also good to eat less fat because too much fat is bad for us.
I am an exercise physiologist so let me try to help you. As I said to Linda who commented above, the Ab Circle Pro won’t burn fat from your tummy but it will help make the muscles of your tummy stronger. If you like using the Ab Circle Pro then use it. But I also want you to take a walk or do some other type of aerobic exercise (biking, jogging, hiking, swimming etc). If you can, try to walk for at least 30 minutes a day to start. If you can, try to walk 45 minutes t0 60 minutes a day. try to walk (or do some other type of aerobic exercise) at least 4-5 times a week. This will help you burn off the most calories.
So this is what I say to try
1. walk 45-60 minutes a day 4-5 days per week
2. cut back on the calories you eat by just a wee bit (you can do this by just not eating past 7pm for example)
3. use the Ab Circle Pro 2 to 3 days per week (dont use the Ab Circle Pro too much this week or your muscles will be very sore. let your muscles get used to the Ab Circle Pro for the first week)
4. Focus on being healthy, not being skinny. Remember there are skinny people out there who are not healthy. I want you to be healthy and fit 🙂
At 13, you are in a good place to lose weight Chelsea. Your metabolism is very high right now. Its good that you are exercising now rather than 10 years from now when it will be harder to lose weight. Don’t be in a hurry to lose weight. Take it one day at a time, focus on being healthy and you will be OK. write back and keep me posted on your exercise. I have faith in you 🙂
Cherrio from across the pond!!
Ab circle pro will help you burn calories if you use it more than 3 mins a day. Lets live in reality, there is no magic cure for obesity. Just good old fashion workout, portion control and a balance diet. I use it for at least an 30-60 mins a day. It helps but I also alternate my exercise with Supreme 90 sort of like PX90, but it use more weights to build muscle. By the way ladies do not be afraid to use heavy weights, it helps and will not bulk you up.
I’ve just got the ab circle pro today for about £70 pounds, they seem good but the thing is people are saying that they are breaking to fast i got the leaflet saying about carbs and fats and that cutting down on fat is myth, I’m not sure but I’m going to drink more water and cut back on a few calories and go on the wii fit and just dance two for the wii, i think this may help to loose weight as if you say I’m only thirteen but in need to loose some weight cause im going in to the obese section 🙁
Hi Linda,
Remember that Ab Circle Pro will only strengthen the muscles if your mid section. The Ab Circle Pro will not burn fat from your midsection. That is called spot reduction and it’s impossible (unfortunately).
Since the muscles of your legs are bigger than the muscles of your midsection you will burn more calories on the treadmill than on the Ab Circle Pro so I suggest putting extra time on the treadmill and using the Ab Circle Pro less.
Since you have cut your calories (just a little is all that’s needed) and are using the treadmill, then I think you will eventually see results.
Don’t worry about the scale. If your clothes are fitting better, that’s the best best feedback.
I have been using the ab circle pro now for about 45 days. I also do an aerobic workout on my treadmill as well. I am quite skeptical after reading the article above as to whether the ab circle pro will provide me with the benefits that I have been wanting to achieve.
I have also reduced my caloric intake, but as far as widdling my middle, I haven’t noticed as to whether that process has been achieved. As far as sweating, I am sweating as much if not more today from the ab circle pro as I was 45 days ago, so it may be just me, but that hasn’t decreased. I dont own a scale so I am unsure as to whether I have dropped any pounds or not from adding the ab circle pro to my workouts.
I am going to continue with my daily 30 minutes on the ab circle pro, in my opinion, adding a 30 minute workout to my fitness routine cannot hurt.
I used to be a follower of Jennifer Nicole lee (jnl) and came very close to purchasing her online program….but than she came out with this gimmick! I lost total trust in anything she has to offer.
Thanks Johnathan, I get that journal and I guess I missed the study. Good points that other exercises can be similar or even superior to the Ab Circle Pro.
I thought you might like this http://journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Abstract/2010/12000/A_Comparison_of_Trunk_Muscle_Activation__Ab_Circle.28.aspx.
Great review.
I saw this device on an late night informational several weeks ago, the very idea of using this machine for extended periods as a form of cardiovascular exercise to aid weight loss is laughable, but many people take the claims made for these devices seriously.
I strongly believe legislation should be put in place that forces such contraptions to be tested to ensure they are fit for purpose before being marketed to an unwary public.
It’s the 21st century but the snake oil salesman are still doing a brisk business.
Hi, Joe!
Do you think that using the “oblique” machine and the “ab-back” machine in the Curves circuit is risky for people with osteoporosis? As you know, the oblique machine involves being seated upright and sitting slightly forward and twisting the upper torso from a 10 to 2 o’clock rotation with resistance on the pull. The ab-back is basically a crunch from a seated position, again with resistance. Are they safe? What about the hip abductor adductor? Does that increase pressure on the hip joints?
Thanks… :0
Hi Carolyn
Its hard to say one way or another because there is so little research on this. Once it was discovered that flexion of the spine might be bad for those with osteoporosis, I don’t think anybody wanted to try to replicate the finding. I’d guess that if they do those machines, it would be better if they move slowly through a pain free range of motion rather than going fast. for those with really bad osteoporosis, it might be best to avoid them especially in the beginning. They are using those same muscles on other machines – like the squat, which I’m told most ladies at Curves hate doing 😉
hope that helps!