I come in contact with many people who developed rhabdo (rhabdomyolysis) after working out in a gym. Sometimes this after working with a personal trainer and other times it's in an exercise class. Regardless, I believe this is occurring far more than people realize. Every day, I see people posting on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, talking about what happened to them. I will not let this continue. Rhabdo is the dirty secret of the fitness industry and the industry's failure to discuss it will come back to haunt them. In fact, I believe it already is.
In this video review, I share 5 reasons why I believe rhabdomyolysis is occurring in gyms around the world. If you are thinking of joining a gym or hiring a personal trainer, watch this video. It may save you time, suffering, and maybe unexpected medical bills.
Rhabdo In The Gym Video
Be sure to watch for the #5 reason in this video. It's the most unethical tactic I've ever heard of. I've been told it happens in many gyms.
Watch video on YouTube
Read the report on rhabdomyolysis in fitness centers
Other Rhabdo Reports
- My Rhabdo Book
- Top 6 Rhabdo Myths
- Rhabdo and Personal Training (hundreds of comments!)
- Mild Case of Rhabdo: Fact or Fiction?
- Can Spinning Cause Rhabdo?
- Is It Rhabdo or Muscle Soreness? How To Tell The Difference
- Can You Die From Rhabdo
- Interview: She Got Rhabdo From Spinning Class
- Interview: Rhabdo with non-typical side effects
- Podcast: Rhabdo Genetic Traits
- Podcast: Rhabdo Facts and Myths
How To Stop Rhabdo From Occurring
The best defense against rhabdomyolysis is education. Listen to your body and don't be afraid to tell a fitness trainer you've had enough. Don't be afraid to walk out of an exercise class if you can't continue. Rhabdo is serious and can sometimes lead to long term problems. There is more to this condition than kidney failure. Please share this with others and help reduce future cases from happening.
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Any questions?
Awesome, I bought that book and others from you.
Kathleen, thanks so much and I appreciate you getting my books too 🙂
Joe, thanks so much for this very eye-opening video! I got rhabdo 4 years ago after working with a personal trainer. It was the very first – and last time – I ever worked with her or any other fitness instructor.
It scared the crap out of me and when I told the gym what happened, not only did nobody know what rhabdo was, they didn’t seem to care.
I never returned to that gym again and to this day I do not exercise regularly. I wanted to become healthier but after that incident, I just feel like its impossible.
Barb, Im so sorry to hear what happened to you. Unfortunately I have heard your story before from others especially how nobody did not know about rhabdo and how nobody seemed to care either.
The lack of empathy I hear coming out of some fitness centers saddens me very much. I dont know what the reason is for it. The good news is YOU CAN get healthy and YOU CAN workout against. Can I suggest seeking out a YMCA or Jewish Community Center near you. It’s my experience those facilities tend to be better than most big chain gyms. Another idea is a medical-based fitness center that’s associated with a hospital. Here too, you are likely to get qualified instruction.
If/when you get another personal trainer, some questions I’d ask them before hiring are:
what do you know about rhabdo (no brainer right?)
Do you have any experience working with someone who has my health issues (if you have any health issues)
do you have a college degree (not always necessary but it cant hurt)
who you are certified by. As I said in the video dont accept the letters – make them tell you in 1 second what the letters stand for. If they cant, find somebody else
Since you are just starting out I suggest a total body circuit training program. Your spider sense should tingle if anybody tries to give you 3 or more sets of any exercise in a row if you have not worked out before.
I hope some of this helps Barb. Again, I’m sorry to hear what happened to you. Don’t be discouraged.
If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will try to help.
Great customer video and information as always. Many fitness professionals and personal trainers do care about their clients. It is however, very frustrating to see much of the fitness industry focus on closing sales instead of meeting a clients needs and helping them get the results they need.
Personal training is a great profession, but we should never use “sales tactics” and unethical practices like trying to make someone sore to sell a potential client.
Jim, thanks for saying that and I agree 100%. At many big chain gyms I am told the “interview” is all about what sales experience the trainer has and nothing else other than if they are certified. Just so sad how health and fitness has become the fitness industrial complex.