Alexandra Feszko is a personal trainer in Bucks County PA. In spite of her high fitness level, shes developed rhabdomyolysis (rhabdo) several times. Not all of her cases are from exercise. For the first time, Alexandra shares her story about how she first developed rhabdo and how she bounced back to regain her fitness. In addition, Alexandra provides tips on how to exercise after rhabdo and important questions you should be asking your doctor if you in the hospital right now dealing with rhabdomyolysis. Joe Cannon Health Podcast episode 28. Listen here or subscribe for free on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, your Alexia device or wherever you get your podcasts from.
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- Were you doing intense exercise every time you got rhabdo?
- Can you tell people what symptoms you had?
- Were the symptoms the same each time or did they vary?
- About how long has it taken for symptoms to show up?
- When you first went to the hospital did the doctors know what was going on?
- When you had gone to the ER and said you think you have rhabdo did you ever get any pushback from Dr/nurses?
- When you were discharged from the hospital, did doctors give you any advice?
- Any change in hospital advice from the first time to the most recent time?
- Do you remember what your CK levels were?
- Were your liver enzymes ever elevated?
- As a personal trainer, what was the hardest part of having this condition?
- Have you ever figured out why you seem to be more prone to getting rhabdo?
- You’ve had rhabdo several times: was there something all these times had in common?
Contact Alexandria
Podcast: Rhabdo Genetic Traits
Podcast: Rhabdo Facts and Myths
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What does a mild case look like? Is it possible to have a mild case and recover without medical intervention?
Judy, I have met people who have had all the classic rhabdo symptoms and never went to the hospital or saw their doctor. They didn’t know what it was and so they just told me they dealt with it. Since we can’t know how bad someone’s rhabdo symptoms will be (Alexandra had a seizure and could have died!), obviously that’s not the best course of action.
Some like to talk about having a mild case of rhabdo but I dont think theres any such case. I think there are different degrees to rhabdomyolysis but all cases need to be taken seriously. I did write a lot more about this in my post
Can you have a mild case of rhabdo
Do you know anyone whose saying they had a mild case?