Have you ever fractured a bone? Maybe not, but are you at risk of fracturing a bone – or worse? I recently became aware of a nifty tool that let anyone estimate their risk. Its called FRAX. FRAX stands for Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (how they got an X in there is beyond me!).
Basically FRAX is a survey you can take in about 1 minute that will estimate your risk of a hip fracture or a major fracture.
The website is to take the survey is http://www.shef.ac.uk/FRAX/
Couple things to remember when taking the survey. They want your weight in kilograms and your height in centimeters. fortunately, there are calculators on the right side of the screen that will do all this math for you.
When I took the test I had a 2.2% risk of major fracture over the next 10 years and a 0.1% risk of a hip fracture over the next 10 years – not too bad 🙂
Is the survey perfect? No because it doesnt ask about your nutrition or exercise habits. Still, for those who don't workout right or eat right the FRAX survey can be a wake up call.
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