Update 11/3/19. Do you listen to podcasts? Podcasts are essentially internet radio shows. You can listen to them on your phone, iPad or iPod. Best yet, there are are podcasts about everything! Any topic you are interested in, there's a podcast. But which are the best? While that is a matter of taste, let me share with you some of my favorite health and wellness podcasts. After that, I will share a few others -that are not related to health and fitness- that I like too. Let me know what podcasts you like, below.
Why Podcasts Are Better
Whether, I'm taking a walk, working out or driving in my car, I prefer podcasts. Here are 5 reasons why:
- I get to listen to the stuff I like
- Most podcasts have the clarity of FM radio
- Podcasts are free
- Limited commercials. Many have no commercials at all.
- Those commercials you do hear are often about things you are interested in.
And, if you don't like the commercials, just fast forward past them!
Podcasts are on the rise. According to EdisonResearch.com (click to open PDF file), there are over 57 million monthly listeners to podcasts. This number is expected to grow dramatically. You know they are on the rise when celebrities are starting their own shows. Even radio stations now do podcasts too.
My Favorite Nutrition & Wellness Podcasts
There are thousands of podcasts out there on just about every topic you can imagine. But, here is a list of the health, wellness and medical podcasts I listen to on a regular basis. While there are MANY health-related podcasts, I'm going to limit this list to only those I've personally listened to and those that publish new shows on a regular basis. So as to not play any favorites here (I like them all), I'll list them alphabetically.
Also, because I won't listen to a show that contains cursing, all the podcasts I list here are kid-friendly, containing no bad language.
1 Ask The Pharmacist Podcast
Joe Dimatteo is a pharmacist, clinical nutritionist, homeopath and doctor of naturopathy, based out of Pittsburgh PA. On his Ask The Pharmacist podcast he discusses dietary supplements, health, and wellness. He's a Christian and blends nutrition information with scriptures from the Bible.
His website is AskJoeDimatteo.com . His podcast is based on his daily radio show which can be heard at 3 PM (EST) on Sirius /XM radio

image source Joe-Cannon.com
channel 131 (Family Talk Channel). Because the show is heard daily on XM/Sirius, new podcasts come out several times a week. I like the uplifting nature of the program.
Update: Unfortunately the host of the show – Joe Dimatteo- has passed away following complications from surgery. I'm not sure if anyone will be filling in for Joe but reruns can still be heard on XM radio and all previous podcasts can still be accessed on iTunes. RIP Joe. I truly enjoyed your show.
2 Intelligent Medicine Podcast
The Intelligent Medicine podcast discusses complementary alternative medicine, health, and medical issues, dietary supplements, nutrition and listener questions. It's the brainchild of Dr. Ronald Hoffman who runs the Hoffman Center in New York City. The Intelligent Medicine Podcast is based on the Intelligent Medicine radio show which is the longest-running doctor-hosted radio program in America (it started in 1988) and is syndicated around the US.
While the radio show is an hour-long, each podcast is broken up into two 20 or 30-minute segments. While I wish he didn't do this (hint, hint Dr. Hoffman), it does make this podcast easy to listen to if you are out for a short walk or drive.
3 Natural Products Insider Podcast
Also sometimes called Healthy Insider, is a podcast for the supplement industry. This podcast deals with dietary supplements from the supply-side of things. Each podcast is about 20 minutes long and comes out at least 1x per week – sometimes more. Previous episodes have covered such topics as:
- Legal issues of dietary supplements
- Working with China
- Label transparency and clean label initiative
- Working with the FDA
After over 20 years of investigation supplements, I still learn things from this podcast.
4 Nutrition Facts Podcast
The Nutrition Facts podcast is by Dr. Michael Greger who runs NutritionFacts.org and is all about showing people clinical proof for how fruits and vegetables can slow down – and even reverse – many health issues. Each podcast is about 10-15 , minutes in length and very easy to understand, even if you know nothing about nutrition.
A new podcast comes out about once a week or so. Dr. Greger is the author of the How Not To Die Book which is one of the fascinating books I've read in recent memory.
5 Science vs. Podcast
What's the scoop on those DNA kits? Are they accurate? What about fasting? Does fasting really work? How about CBD? Do you need it? Everybody has opinions – but then there's science… The Science vs. podcast, hosted by Wendy Zuckerman, is exactly what it sounds like: Each week she and the rest of the team pick a topic and try to give people the scoop on what the science says about it.
This podcast is funny, entertaining and accurate. If your looking for fun way to keep up to speed on what science says about different topics – you have come to the right place.
6 Sigma Nutrition Podcast
This is one of the best nutrition podcasts I have ever heard. The Sigma Nutrition podcast is evidence-based, featuring MS and PhD level scientists discussing health, fitness and nutrition topics. They often cover the clinical research they have been involved with. Topics in previous podcasts have included:
- Ketogenesis metabolism and ketone ester supplementation
- Exercise-oncology
- Effective reps and strategies for hypertrophy
- Nutrition considerations for strength athletes
7 The People's Pharmacy Podcast
The Peoples Pharmacy Podcast is run by Joe Graedon, who is a pharmacist and Terry Graedon, who has a Ph.D. in Anthropology. This podcast has some of the best interviews on any radio show I've heard! They interview not only the big names in complementary medicine (like Dr. Andrew Weil) but also experts who are in the lab, doing clinical research. Because they are scientists, they ask good questions, many of which I'd ask myself if I were in the room with them.
Each show lasts about 60 minutes and a new show comes out each week. I'm especially fond of the People's Pharmacy Health Headlines segment at the start of each show. The show is syndicated to over 200 radio stations and even in Alaska!
8 Ted Talks Science And Medicine Podcast
Most everybody has heard of Ted Talks (if not, check YouTube) where someone goes up on stage and gives the best lecture of their lives in about 20 minutes. The motto of Ted Talks is “Ideas Worth Spreading” and this podcast is no different.
This version of Ted Talks deals only with medical and science issues. Just a few Ted Talks I've enjoyed include Alzheimer's disease, genetic research, gene editing, and gut microbiome research.
9 XM Radio / Doctor Radio
If you have Sirius/XM Radio, you have access to “Doctor Radio” which is a joint venture between Sirius/XM and the NYU Langone Medical Center. The Doctor Radio channel runs medical and health programming all day, all night all year long. What I like about Doctor Radio is if you have an XM All Access account, you can listen to the shows live on your phone and computer and listen to free podcasts of past shows.
If you have not heard of Doctor Radio, check it out. Its XM channel 110. They also do a Nutrition Show which I enjoy very much too.
10. Joe Cannon Health Podcast
Yep, that's me! My podcast is about all things related to health. I've done episodes on rhabdomyolysis, dietary supplements, exercise and a bunch of other things. Like I do here, I'm no hype -just the facts. You can listen, here, on my website or on Apple Podcasts, Pandora, Google, and most other places.
New episodes come out every Friday.
Other Podcasts I Like
Man does not live by health and wellness alone – me either. So, here's a list of other shows I like which have nothing to do with nutrition, health or fitness:
11 Clark Howard Show
Clark Howard is America's best-known consumer advocate. He helps you save money and avoid getting ripped off. The Clark Howard podcast is a 60-minute show that comes out pretty much every day. If you want to know more about saving, money issues and avoiding scams, this podcast is for you.
12 Monster Talk
The Monster Talk Podcast is about monsters -but it's from a skeptical point of view. Monster Talk tackles everything from UFOs, The MothMan, ghosts, and stuff I have never heard of before – all from a skeptical point of view.
This is NOT like the Ancient Aliens TV show. It's discussions of paranormal stuff from a logical point of view. Monster Talk also has one of the best introductions of any show I've heard.
13. Sasquatch Chronicles
I admit it. I think there's something to bigfoot. You will too after listening to the Sasquatch Chronicles. The format of the show is simple: Ordinary people tell about their encounters with Bigfoot. While I think some stories are more believable than others, most people come across to me as sane and credible. Like Monster Talk, Sasquatch Chronicles also has one of the best/ most chilling introductions you are going to hear.
14 Quote Of The Day Podcast
I love quotes, especially those that are motivating. The mission of the Quote Of the Day Podcast is to help you change your life in 15 minutes or less. Every Monday-Friday host Sean Croxton gives a thought-provoking quote and then often follows it up with a clip of a motivational speech from the person who said it. Two of my favorite episodes are those from Inky Johnson and Wess More. Sean Croxton is also one of the creators of the JERF Bar.
15 Something You Should Know
Want to know if someone is lying to you? How about how to live to be 100? If you like interesting fact-based discussions on really interesting topics, you will really enjoy the Something You Should Know Podcast. This is the podcast version of the Something You Should Know radio show that is syndicated to over 8000 stations across the US and Canada. Unlike the radio show, the podcast, lasts about 60 minutes, giving host Mike Carruthers time to dig into the meat of the topic.
16 Tech Guy Podcast
Every Saturday and Sunday Leo Laporte, Americans best-known computer geek hosts a 3-hour podcast devoted to all things that have a computer chip in it – phones, tablets, mac vs. PC, ham radio, and the latest tech news, all your answers are right here. Got a problem you need help with? look no further. Leo is famous for breaking down techie stuff so anybody can understand it. If you like tech, you will love this podcast.
17. Geek News Central Podcast
First launched in 2004, Geek News Central is the longest-running tech podcast out there. Twice a week, Todd Cochrane gives us the technology headlines. What I like most is this show discusses the news that most people do not hear about. If you like, tech, news and getting the inside scoop, you will love Geek News Central.
18 The Story Behind Podcast
Ever wonder about mustaches? How about how surfing became popular? If you like trivia and little known facts you'll love The Story Behind Podcast. Each week, Emily Prokop, dissects an interesting story and gives you the scoop on it. The Story Behind is kind of like The Useless Information Podcast (described below) only it's a shorter version. Podcasts last about 10 minutes or so. If you ever secretly longed to be Cliff Clavin (from “Cheers”) you will really enjoy this show.
19 Thomas Jefferson Hour
The Thomas Jefferson Hour is the most unique podcast I've ever listened to. Clay Jenkinson is an authority on Thomas Jefferson. In fact, he's been portraying Jefferson on stage for decades (check him out on YouTube).
Each week, Mr Jenkinson goes into a barn (I believe in the barn!) at an undisclosed location and pretends to be Thomas Jefferson, answering questions, as Jefferson himself might if he were still with us.
I honestly didn't realize how much I was learning until I found myself reciting trivia facts about Jefferson and Lewis and Clark during a conversion with my niece. No matter if you are currently in school or have been out of school for many years, The Thomas Jefferson Hour is hands down, one of the best podcasts on Earth. Everyone should be listening to it.
20 Useless Information Podcast
Steve Silverman is a high school science teacher with a love for telling fascinating true stories from the flip side of history. Each episode of the Useless Information podcast recounts a little known but true story from the -mostly forgotten – past.
Because he's a teacher, Steve names his sources very well – the people in the stories and the dates the stories occurred too – to better help us look the stuff up (which I've done a few times). As an added bonus, The Useless Information podcast also plays old radio commercials from the 30s-50s along with trivia about them. I love that part of the podcast!
Steve Silverman is the author of the book, Einsteins Refrigerator, which is also about strange but true stories from the past.
As a lover of trivia and obscure facts, I must say the Useless Information podcast is one of the most educational and entertaining podcasts I listen to. His students are so lucky to have him as their teacher.
How To Listen To Podcasts?
One of the easiest ways to listen to podcasts is to download them directly from iTunes, which you already have on your iPhone or Mac computer. Then, you just search the iTunes store for the podcasts you like and subscribe to them (it's free to subscribe to podcasts). For us Windows users, just search online for “iTunes” and you can download it (it's free) from Apple. Then you can subscribe and listen on your computer or
transfer the podcasts to your iPod if you're like me. The picture you see is the iPod that I plug into my laptop to transfer podcasts. I know, I do it the “old fashioned way,” but it works well for me at this point.
Itunes Alternatives
Don't like iTunes? I don't blame you. I don't either. No worries though. There are many free podcast apps. Both the Apple app store and Google play store have many podcast apps you can use instead of iTunes. Just a few of the more popular podcast players include
- CastBox (free)
- Overcast Podcast Player (free)
- Podbean (free)
- Pandora (free)
Not all podcast players are free but those that are free are pretty good. I've used CastBox on my Android phone and it works very well.
Listen To Podcasts In Your Car
It's possible that your car is already set up to play podcasts. It may just be a matter of syncing your phone to your car. If you have an older car, there is a simple cable that will connect your iPod to your car. Then you can listen to podcasts through your car's speakers.
What Are You Waiting For?
Podcasts are no longer the stuff of the internet fringe where people broadcast from their basement. As proof, many celebrities have created their own podcasts, bypassing traditional, mainstream media and taking their talents directly to the public. If you have a long commute to work or enjoy learning or just be entertained while you take a stole through the neighborhood, then you will love podcasts. We live in an age of personalized information, the likes of which have never been seen on Earth before. It really is a revolution.
What Podcasts Do You Like?
Hi Joe, Thanks for including The Story Behind in this list! 🙂 And I absolutely identify with being Cliff Clavin from Cheers!
Thanks again!
Hi Emily, thanks for reaching out. I SO enjoy your podcast! 🙂
Really interesting and informative! Thanks for helping my fitness experience become more intelligent.
Thanks Melanie, I’m happy you found this useful 🙂
Thank You,
Really helpful AND COOL!
Dr. Timothy
Hey Tim, thanks so much 🙂